𓁲˚₊⏤͟͟͞͞➳❥ Protected~ᰔᩚ❤️

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Poland POV:

I walked along the street as the cool autumn wind swept over me, half expecting to seeing Germany at the café.

I sat on our window seat after I ordered some latte. I was drinking my latte as slowly as I could, then, just as I thought, my German came. "Oh, guten morgen, Polen," he greeted and sat down in front of me, "Glad you're here," I uttered. "O...k?" he gawked as awkward quietness stood between us.


"Ok good, both of you arrived!" Norway blabbered as he took us into the back. He was against the clock, no kidding. "Those shooting-asses," he aired, "Are coming at us."

Both Germany and I stood there in affright, "So that's why few reported cases were admitted to the news last week," I chilled as the words made my skin crawl in fright, "But the EU hasn't told us to work on those cases," Germany spoke, "Those are urgent,". "He said he's been very busy this week," I argued, I don't assume that our boss is a damn kidnapper. "Perhaps he hasn't seen it yet,".

"They came in as soon as they heard you leaving," the Norwegian blurted, "I may be next,". "We gotta find out who this psychopath is," I bolted as I slammed my hand on the counter.

"We should do this bit by bit," Germany said as he calmly turned on the coffee machine to get himself some latte, "How are you so calm about this?!" Norway barked. The German did a bombastic side eye at him, "Because I have a plan" he smirked.

"It may sound like I'm evil but..." he paused for a sip, "It may be a key.", "So what do we need?" I asked, "A whole lotta duct tape and iron blocks," he sneered. "Why?" Norway asked, "You'll see," he creaked. I looked him in the eye and felt a suspicious aura.

Later that night, "Ya'll are ready?" He asked Norway was holding a 2lbs iron block and I was ready with duct tape, "I'm the bait and if anyone comes," he instructed Norway, "Throw that block on his head,". "Oh my gawd, that is evil..." I gasped as I heard the plan, "I like it! Remarkably good!".

He opened a bag and gave each one of us a funky a mask. Mine was a red mask with confetti. It looked like an arts and crafts you'd make in art class back in school.

"Wear this," he said to us, "Why?" Norway asked, "You don't want them hunting for us."

"Bruh, I think they know who we are," I murmured.

He then stood next to the counter, he made a few weird sounds. Soon a black-suited man came in! "Now!" he yelled and the Norwegian threw the iron block like he was in a softball competition.

-PANG-! The iron block knocked the man straight out. "Poland, get a chair and duct tape him to it," Germany whispered, I grabbed a chair and tightly taped him to the object. "Let's wait for him to wake up," Germany said we sat down against the counter waiting for him to get up. "My goodness, that was evil" I shook my head.

Germany POV:

We waited for a few hours and Poland got sleepy and went to sleep, shriveling in to a ball, it was the autumn season and it was quite chilly. I took off my jacket and put it on him as a blanket.

"Ooh~" Norway giggled as he blushed at my act, I rolled my eyes and said, "Shut up, I'm just kinder than you.". "Love is in the air~" he taunted, "and it's coming from you two~".

Then the man woke up, "Augh...my head..." he wailed as he lifted his head, "Interrogating time," the Norwegian said in a sing-song voice. "So...sir, who do you work for?" I requested, "The is no f#¢£!ng way I'm telling!" he snared.

Poland was woken up and he joined us, the man smiled devilishly and then pressed his cuff link and 5 people came into the room. "I'm outta here!" Norway yelled and went out on rollerblades (yes, he had rollerblades on).

We closed the door tightly and Poland tried to block it with a dumpster. "Let's go!" Poland cried out as he spread his wings widely, "No," I said and took out my phone. "My turn," I said, and a virtual forcefield glimmered as a giant hamster wheel, appeared before us. "Really?" I sighed, "Sweet!" the Polish admired as I helped him get on, "Run!" I shrieked as we ran like crazy.

"I never knew you could do this!" Poland puffed in amazement, "Found it!" I said as I tapped on an image of a car. Suddenly the hamster wheel was a Ferrari, "WHAT???" Poland gasped as he sat in the front seat next to me. The tires screeched loudly as I looked in the rearview, "They got a car too?!" I let out as I pushed it up to 95. It was a car chase, a hot one. The Polish seemed like he was lost in thought when I glanced, but I had to keep my eyes on the road.

We eventually lost them and the car retreated into my phone, "A penny for your thoughts?" I asked gently as I clasped his shoulder.

"No thanks," he said and walked away slowly, "I'm just...impressed," . He said, looking mind-blown. "Pretty cool, right?" I prided as he tossed back my jacket. "How did your jacket end up on me anyways?" The Pole asked me. "Dunno," I lied with a shrug.

"Stop lying, you idiot," Poland growled but no annoyance was heard in the way he said it, "W-Well, you were c-cold and I-um I just gave you a b-blanket," I explained, stumbling over my words. I looked at him as he blinked his dirt-brown eyes.

"I...don't know why I did that, really..." I admitted, the Pole gave me a sweet smile before thanking me and murmuring a few words. I was only able to catch a word, 'cute'.

My gaze met his, as the white part of his face turned a tad bit pink. He quickly flew away from my sight, vanishing into the sky. My emotions feel like explosions. The way he looked at me. My face turned a slight cherry red as a smile crept across my face.

You got my heart [REWRITTEN] // GerPol // Countryhumans fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now