A Childish Angel

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Poland pov:

Today was a Sunday, a day off. I was in my living room, feeling bored so I decided to go to my favorite officemate, Germany. I hopped into my brown sweater and black pants with some Adidas shoes and flew to that old man, because I don't know his contact number, (but I knew where he lives).

Germany pov:

I was scrolling through my phone and suddenly I heard a feint flapping noise followed by a knock on the door, it was Poland with his bright smile so I couldn't help but smile a little as well.

"Dzeiń dobry (good morning), Germany!" the Polish greeted in a cheerful way as his wings fluttered, "Dir auch einen guten Morgen (Good morning to you too), Poland," I replied in German as I fixed my glasses, "Do you have any plans for today or something...?" he asked with a tint of hesitancy, his eyes darting away from my gaze.

"I wasn't planning to, but sure," I nodded, then he grabbed my arm and dragged me out, "LET'S GO THEN!" He thundered.

I blushed a bit and my heart went on a marathon when he grabbed my arm, why though? It's just a simple little thing.

Never mind, just snap back to the world.

Poland pov:

Me and Germany are walking on the sidewalk until we think of something we can do, "How about we go to the café?" he suggested, "Okay," I agreed and dragged him to the café, "Slow down, Poland!" Germany yelled as he stumbled to keep up with me, "No can do, buddy!" I shot back as I raced down the sidewalk.

We got there and ordered some latte. Germany was panting a little as we seated on the table next to the window, "Do you have any ideas for today?" I asked him, sipping my latte a little. "How about Disney World?" he suggested, looking at me with his ocean-blue eyes through his glasses.

Is it just me? Or this guy is kinda handsome? Wait what-

I cleared my throat and spoke, "I've been wanting to go there for a long time," I told him cheerfully said and sipped my latte quickly.

The both of us went out of the café and took the bus to Disney World, we went to the top deck and sat at the front.

Germany pov:

Poland and I sat together on the bus. A gawky silence stood between us, you could even hear a pin drop. The silence was broken when we passed over a very wide river. "Atlantic Ocean..." Poland murmured, "I've heard a legend about it, but I forgot it.".

"I know the story," I claimed and started to tell it, "Long ago, there was a magnificent city named Atlantis.". Poland eagerly listened to the story, interest written all over his face.

"It was a great naval empire of demigods that ruled all western parts of the known world. The utopian city had precious metals and exotic wildlife," I continued, "However, the people became wicked, petty and greedy, and 'morally bankrupt'. The gods were angered for the people had lost their way and turned into immoral pursuits...then one horrible night, the gods sent a huge earthquake, along with fire. Soon Atlantis has sunken into the sea...the end"

Poland blinked as his gaze met mine, "Whoa," he gasped in amazement, "That was actually well told.". I pridefully smiled, "Thanks.".

We arrived at the bus stop after a 2 hour ride, "Finally, we're here," I groaned in relief as I shook him, "Are we there?" he asked, "Yes," I replied. We stood up and went out of the bus, we walked into Disney World.

Poland and I saw several countryhumans there. The Polish couldn't contain himself and sped off to see the attractions. "POLEN!" I howled and ran after him. I caught up to him and held his wrist to keep him from bolting off like that, "Don't...do that..." I warned as I panted.

"Ciao, Germany!" a voice called out from the crowd, I turned and saw Italy there with his boyfriend, Spain.

Both of them came forward to us, "Are you two dating?" he asked, "N-no, we're just hanging out," I responded, stumbling upon my words. "'Not a 'date' he says," Spain said as he snickered at me holding Poland in a rather protective manner. I let go of him and his that hand behind my back.

"Let's so to the teacup ride!" Poland said, he and I went there. Poland surely enjoyed it but I felt like throwing up. "How about we go to somewhere less dizzying," I said hopefully, "Alright," he agreed.

"Is the Jungle Cruise ok?" he asked, pointing to it on the map, "I guess," I replied, and off he went dragging me to the ride. "Ahh~, this is better," I purred, relieved, on the other hand, Poland was admiring every little thing, I smirked at his childish act. Then the ride ended, we got off and went to another ride, and another, and another.

We then finally made it to The Magic Kingdom, "Come on, let's go," Poland said in a childish voice and dragged me inside.

He and I went in and took a seat, we held on the handle bars and waited. A minute later, the ride started and we zoomed off, I found myself extremely terrified while holding a hyped up Poland. I screeched and screamed as we rode whilst Poland laughed and howling in amusement.

After the ride, my hair was all messed up and it was already 8 p.m. Poland yawned, "I'm tired,". "Me too," I agreed and we exited the theme park.

The Polish and I got back on the bus and sat down. Poland lent on me as he slept, "So much of a child," I said as I smiled at him.


I waited until it was our stop, I looked at my watch and it was already 10 p.m. so I decided to take him in for the night.

I carried him to the sofa, as I was walking, I felt him snuggle closer to my chest. I felt my heart race yet again because of this childish angel. A placed him on my sofa and ran up to my bedroom to avoid looking at him.

I feel something I can't explain. I don't want to feel it but it somewhat feels good. I can't help but steam up, "Just go to sleep, Germany," I said myself and hit the sack.

You got my heart [REWRITTEN] // GerPol // Countryhumans fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now