Chapter 6

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It's past two am and on a normal night Rain would be asleep already. Tonight he is too hyper and sleep is the last thing on his mind. He is swinging his head around trying to look everywhere and at everything at once.

He and P'Phayu are standing on a street blocked off with "Road Closed" and "construction ahead" signs but there is no construction to be seen. Instead the street is lined with people, tents, and expensive bikes. There are also high-tech lights and security cameras set up all along the circuit. The whole operation has been set up in less than an hour but it looks very professionally done.

When they had first arrived only the workers had been here but now the area is filling up with all sorts of people. Rich kids in designer clothes seem to be the most prevalent but Rain sees a few in clothes he recognizes from the discount shops his mother and he frequent.

Rain can't decide what the most exciting part about tonight is. He isn't sure if it's the races themselves, or the fact that they are illegal and underground or that he is here with the most handsome and coolest alpha ever. Maybe it's a combination of all three. Rain is so excited he is practically bouncing. P'Phayu laughs at his omega as he runs to the middle of the street and throws his arms up. "It's like I own the road." Rain shouts happily.

A commanding voice behind Rain says, "We aim to make everyone feel that way."

Rain startles and looks at the alpha standing behind him. He is an intimidating looking man in his thirties dressed in an expensive suit. Rain runs back to P'Phayu's side, practically hiding behind him. "Is that P'Pakin?" He whispers to his boyfriend.

P'Phayu shakes his head, "Hello, P'Chai '' he greets the man. "Rain, this is P'Chai, P'Pakin's right hand man. P'Chai, this is Rain, my boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you." P'Chai says.

Rain gives him a polite wai and says, "hello." In a small voice.

"Looks like Rainy boy is scared of you." P'Fah says with a laugh as he comes up to them.

"Am I that scary?" P'Chai says with a smile.

"What part of you isn't scary?" P'Fah says with a laugh.

P'Chai laughs at this and excuses himself to greet other guests.

"Come, I will introduce you to my friends." P'Phayu says, putting his arm around Rain's shoulders.

P'Pai is out of town with his father on a business trip, P'Phayu informs him. He introduces him to the twins, P'Aek and P'Tho whose place P'Phayu took on collections when Rain went with him. There is also P'Fah's friend P'Oat. Rain even gets to meet the pit bunnies, who fawn over Rain and threaten to steal hum from P'Phayu. Rain can't help but giggle at their antics. He wishes he were brave enough to wear some of the outfits the bunnies have on, his mother would probably kill him if he did.

About half way through the race P'Fah brought an arrogant alpha over to pick out a bike to race against P'Oat. In an aside to Rain he said he was generously teaching an asshole a lesson that P'Oat was the top racer here tonight and only P'Pai realistically had any chance of beating him if he had been there.

It isn't even a contest. P'Oat leaves the arrogant man, who Rain finds out is named Stop, in his dust.

Stop, gets off the bike and throws his helmet against the ground hard enough to crack it. P'Phayu jerks his head up at this, narrowing his eyes at the man. Rain thinks he even hears him growl over the noise of the crowd. That surprises Rain, P'Phayu is usually calm even when Rain has seen him face rude customers at the garage.

As if sensing trouble P' Chai and his guards are there instantly. Stop looks like he wants to say something but doesn't dare while surrounded by guards.

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