Chapter 4

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Phayu studies the bike he is working on carefully, he takes a lot of pride in his work whether it's working on an engine or a model for class. Despite being engrossed in what he is doing, he is also enjoying listening to Rain chatter away behind him. It's Sunday so the garage is deserted except for Phayu and Rain. Phayu enjoys having the omega there, he enjoys listening to him tell his stories, even if sometimes he tells the same ones over and over. The omega's voice is music to his ears.

Rain is sitting on a crate, kicking his heels against the side while he tells Phayu all about his freshman classes, as if the senior hadn't taken the exact same classes a couple years prior.

Phayu finishes checking over the bike and deems it ready for the race next week. He stands, pulls a rag out of his back pocket to wipe the grease from his hands, and goes over to where Rain is sitting.

"Finished, Phi?" Rain asks.

"Uh-huh, are you hungry? Let me get washed up and we can go get some lunch." Phayu says.

"I'm starving." Rain answers happily. "Can we get Korean?"

Phayu laughs at this, Korean is Rain's favorite, the boy would live on Korean food if he could. Not surprising since it's what he had grown up with. "Anything my boyfriend wants." Phayu leans in and gives Rain a kiss, unable to resist those sweet lips any longer.

"Phayu, you...." Comes the voice behind him. Phayu rolls his eyes, Saifah always has the worst timing. Sometimes Phayu is sure he does it on purpose. "Oh, god, it looks like I am interrupting." Instead of sorry, Saifah sounds amused.

Phayu notices Rain is looking curiously from him to Saifah. "Rain, this is my twin, Saifah. Saifah, this is Rain."

Rain gives him a polite wai, and says, "Nice to meet you. Phi."

"Feel free to call me, P'Fah. If this idiot annoys you, feel free to let me know." He says, grinning. Rain giggles at this.

"What are you doing here, Fah?" Phayu asks, not trying to keep the annoyed tone out of his voice.

This makes Saifah grin all that much harder. "P'Chai called, Aek has the flu and P'Pakin wants to know if you can take his and Tho's collection runs this afternoon."

P'Phayu looks uncertain and glances over at Rain.

Rain quickly says, "It's fine, we can go to lunch another time."

"Take Rainy boy with you," P'Fah suggests, "plenty of good places to eat and he can see what you do."

"I don't know." P'Phayu says.

"Please, P'Phayu, I want to see it." Rain says, making a cute begging face.

P'Phayu sighs, "Okay, let me get cleaned up and we'll go. Just promise me you'll follow my lead and do what I say."

Rain nods, smiling. He's been dying to see what P'Phayu does for P'Pakin, but has been afraid to ask. He is very happy that P'Fah brought it up instead.

Rain opts to leave his mother's SUV parked at the garage and ride with Phayu on his bike. Phayu enjoys feeling the feeling of the omega wrapped around him, even if Rain is sometimes a little naughty and likes to slip his hand down Phayu's legs teasingly. Luckily for them both Phayu is a good driver, although he does smack Rain's hand and puts it back around his waist when the omega does this.

Rain bites back a giggle when P'Phayu smacks his hand and pulls it back into place. He can't help but to tease the alpha a little bit. He grins and lays his head against P'Phayu's back. He loves riding behind P'Phayu like this, at first he'd been a little nervous to be on such a big bike, but his boyfriend is so obviously in perfect control of the machine at all times. It wasn't long until Rain had relaxed and just enjoyed the sensation of the wind whipping around them and the cityscape flying by.

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