Chapter 3: Threats

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○{November 1941}○
♡Joanna's POV♡

I had just returned from college for Thanksgiving, having embarked on my journey at Harvard Law School. Pursuing my dream of becoming a lawyer not only impressed my family but also garnered approval from the Kennedys, aligning with my aspirations.

When the war started I found myself working at the bases to aid wounded soldiers. To my dismay, both Joe Jr. and John had joined the navy. The fear of losing my best friends loomed, but amid the fear, there was a profound sense of pride. Proud of both Joe Jr. and John, my two favorite men, who willingly enlisted to fight for their country. It was a mix of emotions, but the pride outweighed the fear in knowing they were taking on a significant and selfless responsibility.


•[Third person]•

While wandering around the house in search of Bobby, Joanna overheard Joe Sr. on the phone, engaged in what seemed to be a conversation with a doctor. Their discussion revolved around Rosemary's anger issues, and it appeared that Joe was arranging a procedure for his eldest daughter. The gravity of the conversation hinted at something serious and concerning for Rosemary's well-being.

Despite Rosemary's aggressive actions, such as giving Jack a black eye and punching Joanna for wearing the same style as her, but the idea of putting her life in danger through a procedure like a lobotomy felt extreme. Joanna was aware of the potential risks and had heard horror stories about procedures gone wrong.

As she began heading toward another hall, Joseph Kennedy emerged, casting a glare your way. "Josephine, how are you?" He inquired, the glint in his eyes paired with a smirk on his lips. Trying to sidestep the earlier conversation overheard, Joanna responded, "I'm doing alright, sir. Have you seen Bobby? I couldn't find him anywhere, not outside or in his room." The attempt to shift the focus was evident as she pretended to to be clueless about his business affairs.

"I haven't seen him in a while, but uh, come on in, Joanna." He said, waving his arm to signal me to enter. "Take a seat, would you?" He motioned to the chair next to him. Joanna sat down, nervously biting the inside of her cheek.

"What you heard goes nowhere. I will give you money to keep your mouth shut, and if I find out you didn't keep it shut, repercussions must happen. Am I clear?" He asserted, making the timid girl nod in understanding. "The money will come after the surgery." He finished, prompting the young girl to hop out of her chair to make her way to the hallway where she came from, but Joseph stuck his arm in front of her making her halt. He led her back to the chair she sat on previously. The weight of his words hung in the air, the secrecy surrounding Rosemary's situation becoming a complex and unsettling reality.

"You know, Joanna, you're very pretty, and I'd hate for something to happen to that pretty little face of yours, so you better be careful." He remarked, the smirk front earlier back on his face. He walked over to me and holding the bottom of my chin. "You may go, but you eavesdrop on my conversations again, and I won't be as nice." He declared, pulling the chair away from his desk.

As soon as Joanna walked out of Joseph Sr.'s view, she couldn't hold back the tears. She made my way to the washroom, taking a moment to gather herself before facing others. The encounter had left an unsettling impact, and she needed a moment to compose herself before appearing in front of anyone else.

Joanna emerged from the bathroom, accidentally bumping shoulders with Bobby. "Sorry," she murmured, avoiding his gaze. "Are you okay?" Bobby inquired, his expression etched with concern.

"I'm fine, really," Joanna insisted, managing a smile as she looked up at him, discreetly wiping her nose to sell the illusion of illness.

Bobby escorted Joanna to his room, insistent on her need for rest despite her protests. "Honestly, Bobby, I'm fine," she asserted, turning towards him with determination. His stern glare silenced her objections, and they continued to his room in silence. Once Joanna was settled into the bed, Bobby left momentarily to fetch a glass of water for her.

Upon his return, they engaged in conversation, the topics ranging widely. However, Joanna's thoughts remained consumed by her recent encounter with Joe Sr., though she knew better than to voice her concerns, fearing the repercussions for both of them.

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