The Wild Brunch

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Gossip Girl

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Gossip Girl

I bet you're wondering what Gossip Girl is doing up so early. Truth is, I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better? Is there really anything better than a lazy Sunday? Reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, scrambling an egg or two? Yeah, right. We upper east siders don't do lazy. Breakfast is brunch. And it comes with champagne, a dress code, and a hundred of our closest friends. And enemies. Chucks dad, Bart Bass is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. Everyone is invited. Well, not everyone.

I was up most of the night with Willow as she was being fussy all night. I think she might be teething so there not much I can do to help her. Mom went out to buy her a teething ring this morning because I think she might have got a little fed up with the crying too. She comes back from the shop and puts the teething ring in the freezer. "Give her that as soon as it's frozen." Mom tells me. "Well, what can I do for now?" I ask her. She hands me a box, "Here. This is teething gel. Put a small amount on your finger and rub it into her gums and that should calm her a bit for now." "Ok, thanks mom." I give her a small hug. "No worries. I'm here whatever you need. I've done this three times before." She chuckles. Serena emerges from her room ready to go out. "Good morning, how'd you sleep, I hope Willow didn't keep you up last night." I say. "No, she's fine. She's perfect." She tickles Willow making her giggle. "Ok, good. How was your date last night?" I question her. "I was ok but he waved me goodbye." She tells me scrunching her face up. "Waved?" I ask. "Yes, waved. Anyways, I'm going to visit Eric." She says as she grabs her bag to leave. "Ooo, can I come?" I haven't been to see Eric in a while and I want to see how he is doing. "Yeah sure. You ready to leave." "I just need to change quickly. Hold a baby, please." I say as I hand Willow to Serena and go run to my room. I quickly change and then me, Serena and Willow leave. "Bye mom." I call out. "Bye girls." She replies.

"So he waved? I wouldn't have taken him for a waver." Eric looks at his hand as he waves slightly. "Maybe he was just trying to be funny." Serena says as she paces back and forth at the bottom of Eric's bed. "Maybe he's shy." I suggest. "Or he hated me." Serena keeps bouncing nervously. "No guy in the history of the world has ever hated you." Eric assures her. "Ok, sit down you're making my head hurt." I tell her. She sits in the chair next to me "Whatever, it's probably for the best. The last thing I need in my life is a new guy. He was just so smart, though. And funny." I look at Eric and I silently laugh at how much Serena is actually falling for this guy. "It sounds like you like him." Eric says to her. "And really nice." Serena can just not stop talking about him. "God Blair was so mean to me last night. I don't even know why. Whatever, I'm sure if we talk about it, we can work it out." Serena changes the subject. "Maybe I should go over there." She suggests. "You go do that." I mutter as she gets up and leaves to go to Blair's. I look up and see Eric looking down lovingly at a smiling Willow. "You wanna hold her? She's in a good mood at the moment." I ask him. "You sure?" He questions as I pass her over to him and she sits content in his arms. "See, she loves her Uncle Eric." I look at Willow smiling at my baby brother. "She's so precious. I still can't believe I'm an uncle at fourteen." He bounces her up and down on his knee. "Well, how do you think I feel. I'm a mum at sixteen. When she's my age I'm going to be only thirty two and our mum is quite a bit older then that." I chuckle. "Don't you need to be going too?" Eric asks. "Yeah, we've got to go to brunch today but I'm not sure if I'm taking miss smiles yet or not." I'm just over cautious and I'm still not sure if Nate has told his parents yet. "I think you should. Most people already know and I assume people would love to meet her." He convinces me. "Ok. I will then." I stay a bit longer with Eric and then say my goodbyes as he passes me back Willow. "I'll be back soon, ok" I say as I leave.

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