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Rhoda was already anticipating Farruk's actions the moment he headed for Hassan, so she was already pivoting on her left foot and swinging her right, catching Farruk at the side of his head before his own legs were recovering his balance after his vicious kick to Hassan's legs. He went down with a thud, staggering against Hassan; his eyes wide with shock; before Hassan regained his balance and  gave Farruk a fist to his jaw and the Prince fell back, unconscious.

"Thanks." Rhoda looked down at Farruk, then grinned up at Hassan. "You can call your army and have them take over at the barracks. I need to have each man checked out for his alliance to the Prince or his people. Any of Farruk's men are to be arrested and sent to jail pending the investigation into the murder of our people." Rhoda offered her hand to Hassan, her face now serious and determined.

"What was that shot we heard?" He asked her, already fishing out his mobile.

"One of Farruk's guards had come from a washroom and shot at the men tying up his mates. He missed and was chased. He is being brought back as we speak." Rhoda assured him. "There have been no casualties, so far. He doesn't count." She gestured to Farruk. "Most of the advisers are on their way, just two unaccounted for."

Prince Farruk groaned and began to rise up onto his elbow, while his other hand rubbed his jaw. He groaned again before looking up at Hassan, scowling ferociously. "I never expected you to interfere in my countries affairs!"

"You are killing the people!" Hassan stated harshly. "Your greed is taking more than you need from the land and leaving nothing for future generations. Besides, it isn't solely your country. You only inherited the privilege to manage it for our Grandfather, not own it as a dictator!" His voice was full of contempt, helping James fit handcuffs to the Prince's wrists.

"Grandfather will banish you for this! Like your father did for raping madame there." Prince Farruk jerked his head towards Rhoda.

"It was deserved! And so is your punishment! Once all the evidence is gathered in, you will be charged and sent to trial. If the rumours of your actions are true the courts will have a field day with your sentencing." Hassan grinned at his cousin, feeling the prince stiffen and stop struggling.

"The smile will be mine when my army get here!" Prince Farruk sneered.

Brad took charge of him and escorted him from the room, joining the bodyguards in the corridor who had the Prince's guards tied up and ready to go to the dungeons. Prince Farruk was outraged when he learned none of his guards had had chance to sound the alarm for the barrack's guards to be alerted.

Rhoda had been listening to her peoples reports while she and Hassan had awaited the adviser's arrival. James had gone to the kitchen to fetch the staff; assisted by the guard who had sabotaged the Prince's helicopter and had captured the pilot; arriving back at the receiving room in a noisy assemblage, at the same time as the seven advisers.

"What is going on here? Where is Prince Farruk?" There was a general consensus to let the first adviser to enter the room, to speak for them all; seven men of varying ages and none related to the Prince's family; and the two-dozen uniformed staff who looked scared.

"Prince Farruk is under house arrest. He and his guards are being held accountable for all the disappearances  reported and the atrocities towards his people." Rhoda stated from her seat at the table. "We have requested your presence, because we need to find out evidence from all of you of the crimes the Prince has committed towards the people here." She stood up and raised her hand to stop their protests as each one of the advisers tried to interrupt her, the staff too shocked to speak. "As we speak, your homes and finances are being investigated so that we can  have proof of your individual conduct.  All those..." She looked at the advisers protesting now, and gave James a nod; his cue to take them out to be questioned, assisted by Brad and Malik; one of her personal guards. There were no more protests from the three they took away, being silenced as they left the room.  

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