Edited Chapter Six

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The Great Hall buzzed with the lively chatter of students, their laughter and conversations filling the air. The vibrant tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of magical creatures and enchanting landscapes. The ceiling, charmed to reflect the weather outside, showcased a clear blue sky, adding to the illusion of being outdoors.

Amelia found herself seated at the Slytherin table, surrounded by her housemates. Mattheo sat in front of her, fork in hand as he played with his food. He couldn't help but steal glances at her, his mind still captivated by the night before. The memory of her lips and the way she'd touch him with such care.

Beside Amelia, Blaise was sound asleep, his head resting on the table. The early morning hours had taken their toll, and he found solace in the land of dreams. Theo, on the other hand, seemed to have an endless supply of words, chattering away without a pause. The rest of the table exchanged glances, their patience tested by Theo's incessant talking. It was far too early for such ceaseless chatter.

Meanwhile, Pansy sat beside Blaise, savoring each bite of her bagel with a deliberate focus. The aroma of freshly baked bread filled her senses, momentarily distracting her from Theo's prattle. She chose to tune out his words, finding solace in the simple pleasure of her breakfast.

Amelia's peaceful moment was abruptly shattered as she caught sight of Ron, Harry, and Hermione entering the Great Hall. They walked past her table, but not without Ron intentionally whispering something loud enough for Amelia to hear. "Merlin, Harry, I can't believe you're related to such a disappointment," Ron sneered, directing his words towards Harry but making sure Amelia caught every word. It was a deliberate jab aimed at her.

Amelia's eyes widened in disbelief and anger. Without hesitation, she stood up, her voice filled with righteous indignation. "What did you just say?" she demanded, her gaze piercing into Ron's eyes.

Ron, perhaps taken aback by Amelia's fierce response, didn't back down. "You heard me," he spat back, his words dripping with disdain. "You're nothing but a filthy Slytherin," he continued, fueling the fire of Amelia's fury.

Mattheo swiftly rose from his seat, his grip tightening on Ron's shirt collar. "You act so fucking tough, huh?" Mattheo growled, his voice laced with anger. He had a serious expression and all life had been drained from his eyes.

The intense exchange didn't go unnoticed by Professor McGonagall, who swiftly made her way towards the commotion. Her commanding presence demanded attention as she approached the group. "Mr. Riddle put the poor boy down," she ordered firmly, her voice carrying the weight of authority.

Leaning in close to Ron, Mattheo whispered a chilling warning in his ear, making sure only he could hear. "Next time you talk to Amelia like that, it'll be the last thing you say," he uttered, his voice low and filled with a dangerous edge. Ron's eyes widened, and he quickly nodded in understanding, his fear palpable.

Mattheo reluctantly released his grip on Ron, but his intense gaze remained fixed on him. Ron's expression shifted from disgust to fear, clearly caught off guard by Mattheo's fierce response. It seemed he hadn't anticipated such a strong reaction.

Amelia's eyes narrowed as she directed her gaze towards Harry, her voice filled with a mix of disappointment and frustration. "And you? You just weren't going to say anything?" she questioned, her anger palpable. Harry's head turned away, his hand nervously scratching his neck, a clear indication that he had no intention of defending her.

Amelia's anger intensified, her words dripping with contempt. " asshole," she spat, her frustration boiling over. The weight of Harry's silence only fueled her fury, leaving her feeling betrayed and unsupported.

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