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October 31, 1981

The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw against the night sky, a blanket of stars scattered all over. Music and laughter could be heard from afar, people in costumes littered the streets. It was Halloween night, one of the most beloved holidays for both muggles and wizards. The only night in which wizards could walk down the streets freely without the judging and cruel stares of muggles.

Located in Godric's Hollow, there was a quaint cottage nestled in the heart of the town. Residing within were Lily and James Potter, a couple who were madly in love and had recently started a family. Lily had given birth to twins, a boy and a girl, a year prior. Upon laying eyes on them, Lily knew their names: Harry James Potter and Amelia Dorcas Potter. Amelia's name was a tribute to Lily's esteemed friend, Dorcas Meadows, a remarkably talented and powerful witch. Lily held high hopes that Amelia would grow up to embody the same exceptional qualities as the woman she was named after. On that day, Lily made a solemn vow to protect her children no matter what

"James, dear are you almost done?"Lily stood in front of the closed door, anticipation swelled within her. James, her loving husband, had promised her a surprise earlier that evening. It had been 30 minutes since he disappeared into the bathroom, and Lily's worry began to creep in.

"Almost," James replied from behind the door, his voice filled with excitement. Lily sighed, leaning against the wall, her arms crossed, patiently waiting for the unveiling of whatever surprise James had in store for her.

In the midst of the silence, the doorknob rattled, causing Lily to straighten up, her heart pounding with anticipation. Slowly, the white door creaked open, revealing James Potter standing there, holding their two precious children in his arms. Harry, their little boy, was dressed as a spider, while Amelia, their adorable daughter, donned a ladybug costume.

"Oh, James, they look absolutely adorable!" Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement. She couldn't resist ruffling Harry's hair and planting a tender kiss on Amelia's forehead. The twins beamed with joy, unaware of the surprise their father had orchestrated but reveling in the love and attention they received.

With a playful raise of his eyebrow and an exaggeratedly offended expression, James asked, "And what about me?" Lily couldn't help but smile, her eyes sparkling with adoration. She assured him that he, too, looked adorable. Her smile, so familiar and cherished, had the power to melt James' heart every single time. Lily gently cupped James' jaw, drawing him closer for a passionate kiss. Their lips moved in perfect sync, a testament to the deep connection they shared.

As they pulled away, their foreheads pressed together, James couldn't help but wear a soft, contented smile. In that moment, surrounded by the love of his life and their two beautiful children, he felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and fulfillment. Marrying Lily, the woman who held his heart, and becoming a father to Harry and Amelia were dreams come true. Peace settled within James, and he silently vowed to cherish this feeling, this perfect moment, for eternity.

Lily's eyes sparkled as she looked at her husband, James, who was lost in a moment of adoration. With a smile playing on her lips, she asked, "What?" Her voice was filled with curiosity, eager to know what had caught James' attention.

James, his gaze unwavering, met Lily's eyes and spoke with a genuine tone, "I love you, Lily." His voice carried the weight of his emotions, the depth of his love for her evident in every word. Lily's heart swelled with affection, and she couldn't help but respond, "I love you too, James." Her voice held a softness that mirrored the tenderness in her heart.

Their intimate moment was interrupted by Harry, who gently tugged on Lily's hair, seeking attention. The couple shared a laugh, their laughter filling the room with a sense of joy and playfulness. Lily's eyes twinkled with amusement as she addressed Harry, "We love you too, Harry." She playfully tickled him, eliciting uncontrollable giggles from the little boy. Amelia joined in the laughter, her infectious giggles echoing through the air. It seemed that whenever Harry laughed, Amelia couldn't help but follow suit.

The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of Sirius and Remus, their dear friends. James, unable to contain his excitement, practically jumped with enthusiasm. Lily's smile widened as she observed her husband's childlike enthusiasm, finding it endearing. James handed Harry and Amelia to Lily, briefly kissing her cheek before bounding down the stairs to greet their friends. Lily shook her head affectionately, marveling at James' playful antics. At that moment, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the joy and light-heartedness he brought into their lives.

As James made his way through the cozy living room, adorned with enchanting orange lights hanging from the ceiling, his eyes took in the delightful sight of carved pumpkins on the mantle. Lily and the twins had crafted them just the week before, each one a unique masterpiece. The mantle also held cherished family photos, capturing precious moments of love and laughter. To the left of the mantle, a picture of the mischievous Marauders in their Gryffindor common room brought back fond memories.

On the couch, James and Lily sat close, cuddling and exchanging affectionate smiles. Remus sat beside them, his fingers gently playing with Sirius's hair as he sat on the floor between Remus's legs. Marlene and Sirius made funny faces, eliciting laughter from Mary who lay on Marlene's lap. Dorcas sat beside Marlene, rolling her eyes playfully but with a smile on her face. And lastly, Peter Pettigrew sat on the armchair to the left of the couch, content in his own company but still wearing a smile.

To the right of the mantle, a picture of baby Harry and Amelia snuggled on the couch brought a wave of nostalgia. And in the center, a picture of the whole family beamed with happiness and love, a true reflection of their home.

Beside the mantle, an emerald green bookshelf proudly displayed a diverse collection of books and vinyl records. An old record player spun a vinyl, filling the room with the music. James couldn't help but hum along, his heart filled with the rhythm of the song he knew so well. As he reached for the doorknob, anticipation in his eyes, his smile slowly faded as he laid eyes upon the figure standing before him. Tall and cloaked in black, the figure's head hung low. At first, James thought it was Sirius, but as the figure looked up, he recognized the truth.

The figure slowly turned its head upward, their eyes locking with James's. A sinister smile gradually crept across their face, sending a chill down James's spine. His heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to find his voice, fear, and desperation intertwining within him. "Lily, he's..." James's voice quivered, his words barely escaping his trembling lips. But before he could finish, the figure ruthlessly cut him off, their voice echoing with malice, "Avada Kedavra." The room seemed to darken as James watched in horror, his mind racing with thoughts of his beloved wife. In that agonizing moment, time stood still.

The green light, a symbol of impending doom, drew closer and closer, its malevolence piercing through James's very soul. Tears welled up in his eyes as he desperately clung to the memory of Lily's radiant smile, her laughter that could light up the darkest of days. The weight of his love for her pressed heavily upon his chest, a bittersweet reminder of the life they had built together. As the curse struck him, pain surged through every fiber of his being, but amidst the anguish, there was a profound sense of love and longing. In his final moments, James's thoughts were solely on Lily, their love eternally imprinted in his heart.

James's lifeless body hit the ground with a heavy thud, sending a wave of despair through Lily's heart. Tears streamed down her face as she rushed up the stairs, her every step filled with anguish. As she saw James lying motionless, her grief overwhelmed her. Seeking solace in the safety of the twins' room, she closed the door behind her, desperate to shield her children from the horrors unfolding outside. Trembling, she whispered, "Harry, Amelia, Mama loves you," her voice choked with tears. Those words became her mantra, repeated through stifled sobs that echoed in the room.

Outside, the pounding on the door grew louder, filling the air with dread. The relentless force of Voldemort tore the door asunder, his presence casting a shadow of terror. Lily's heart ached for her children, her love for them unwavering. With courage in her eyes, she gazed at her little ones one last time, uttering the words, "I love you," before facing the inevitable. The killing curse struck her down, but in her final moments, her gaze locked with Harry's tear-filled green eyes, a testament to the bond that would transcend even death.

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