Chapter 18

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Nick's POV

Once that i've finished putting food and water out for Daisy, i went upstair to check on Charlie.

I opened our bedroom door to find Charlie laying on his back with his eyes closed. Maybe he's asleep but then again, maybe he's just closing his eyes and not fully asleep yet so i went closer to his after closing the door.

When i sat beside him, Charlie opened his eyes and looked at me. "Hi" i said to him as he looks at me.
"Hi" he said back but just kept looking at me weird.
"Are you okay, Char? You didn't eat when we came home" im getting worried that his eating disorder is spiking up again. I know that ive mentioned that his eating disorder isnt the same as when we were younger but it doesn't mean that Charlie doesn't have bad mental health days. And sometimes his eating disorder spike up during that kind of days.

"I don't wanna eat tonight" Charlie's voice is soft and quiet, almost like a whisper. I wonder what is wrong that he doesnt wan't to eat tonight.
I kinda let it go since i dont wanna pressure him onto telling me the truth but im kinda worried about him, he hasnt been like this for a few months now and its kinda wierd that he suddenly just dont wanna eat.
I stopped bugging him about it but i observed him during the night incase that somehing happens.

(The next day):

My eyes flutter open and i searched for my phone, i checked the time and it's only 7 in the morning.
I went on my side to cuddle Charlie but i noticed that he wasnt there and i suddenly got worried. So i immediately fixed myself up and went downstairs to find Charlie cooking breakfast on the stove.

"Char..?" I asked confused.
He seemed happy and content while cooking and it kind of amazed me somehow.
"Yes, Nick? Is there anything wrong?" He asked as he flips the egg.
"You weren't there when i woke up and i thought that you-" he cut me off.
He chuckles "im fine, i just decided to wake up early to make you breakfast" im generally confused about this whole conversation.
"But last night you didn't ate"
"I was tired, Nick and i just want to go to bed and sleep, that's all" he explained and it kinda put me at ease.
"Okay" i replied as i watch him continue to cook breakfast.

I stare at Charlie while he cooks and it amazes me how well he cooks and it all looks delicious. He's more of a cook than me, i wonder why he doesnt cook more often.

After Charlie finishes cooking, he served me my portion of the food and he puts the remaining portion onto his plate.
Surprisingly, Charlie ate all the food that's on his plate. Im proud of him for doing that even though he has done that every single day since he started to eat more than he did when we were younger.


Heyya! It has been long since i last posted a chapter. I was really busy with some personal stuff and school (as usual). But now it has been pretty chill so i decided to continue this chapter :)

~ •leafhop• ~

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