Chapter 11

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Charlie's POV

It has been days after we visited my old house but im still shaken up a bit by the things that happened that day, and i sometimes still think about it but Nick is always by my side and makes sure that i am okey and is always comforting me.

Today im planning on visiting Isaac today since i haven't seen him in ages.
While i was downstairs i found Nick laying on the sofa while texting someone on his phone.
"Who are you texting" i said in a sweet tone, Nick looks up at me and he half smile's and frowns.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly on how he looked at me. He looked bothered and distraught and i was worried that something might have happened.

"My mum is inviting me to have dinner at her house" he says. What's wrong about having a dinner with his mum? She is litterally yhe sweetest person that i have met in my whole life. "What's wrong with having dinner with your mum?"i asked confused.
"The problem isn't my mum, it's my brother David but my dad is coming too, my mum wants me to be there so we could have a family dinner like old times even though they are divorced. We do that very often when i was still little so that me and David still knew who our dad was but it would always go wrong every time" he explains. I feel bad for Nick right now and the least i can do is be with him during that time even if i have to cancel my plans with Isaac tonight.

"I can cancel my plans with Isaac tonight so i can be with you at dinner if you would like" i offered and he looked surprised and shocked "You dont have ti do that Char, you haven't seen Isaac in ages and i don't want to ruin that for you because of me getting nervous on going to a stupid dinner with a family" that is really sweet and all but im still canceling my plans with Isaac tonight, not because i don't want to hang out with Isaac.
I really want to go with Nick, even though i have to face his brother. I want to be there for Nick, just like how he is there for me even on my worst days.

"No Nick, u want to be there for you. Like how you were always there for me so this is a payback and a thank you for all the things yhat you have done for me" i grab his hand and kisses it. "Are you sure?" He asked "ofcourse i am Nick" i reassured him and his lovely smile came back to his beautiful face.

A few minutes have passed and i decided to message Isaac that i can't make it to his house tonight.

Isaac henderson

    Hey Isaac

Hey charlie, are you still
coming tonight?

About that... something came up
and i was actually going to tell you that
i can't make it tonight

Oh that's alright we can just hang out
at another time

Thanks Isaac


Im so glad that Isaac took it well. Tao wouldn't have taken that well if he was the one who i was canceling my plans with.
Well he still doesn't trust Nick that well even though we have been together for years now.
Tao changed a bit but he is still the Tao i met at school all those years ago.

"So, how did it go" I kinda jumped a little because he just suddenly popped out of nowhere. Is he copying Tori?
"Gosh Nick dont do that!" Nick chuckles and walks torwards the bed "it went really well, Isaac just said that we can hang out at another time" i aaid and Nick just nodded his head.
"I kinda don't want to go but my mum will be disappointed if i dont show up" he says sadly.
"I think that Sarah will understand on why you didn't come if you tell her the truth" to be honest, I didn't want to come either but it is Nick's decision on whether to come or not.

After letting Nick think for quite some time, Nick decided on going to their family dinner even though he didn't want to.

Before we went to Nick's mum's house, Nick wanted to watch a marvel film to calm him down.
Ofcourse i let him this one time to watch a marvel film with me.

After the film and after we made out a couple of times, me and Nick decided to stat getting ready since it's atleast an hour drive before we get to his mum's house.

"God i hope nothing goes wrong while were there" Nick says as he ties his shoe's.
"Are we bringing daisy?" I asked and Nick just nodded.
Nick stands by the door as he waits for me to get daisy. I found daisy sleeping on our bed, i slowly lift her up and carry her torwards the door where Nick is smiling at me as i walk over to him.
"Lets go" i say as Nick opens the door and lets me go out first before going out himself and locks the door to our flat.

The car ride was pretty chatty, Nick kept talking about getting a house while i constantly reminding him that our first priority right now is getting married.
I love the idea of a summer wedding on the beach while Nick is standing a few feet away from me as i walk down the red carpet wearing a white suit and holding a bouquet of flowers in my hands, and daisy is waiting right beside Nick.
I think that i have been dreaming of that day ever since we started going out.

no, it started when i first saw him in form.

I know that sound crazy because I haven't talked him yet but still, i have been dreaming of that day ever since.

Time skip

I haven't realise that we already have arrived at Nick's old house.
There are two cars parked outside already. They probably belong to his dad and his brother, David.
I hated David ever since the day i fist saw him and met him, he is an absolute prick and did i mentioned that he's homophobic as well.
I dont know how to feel about his dad, i mean him and sarah are divorced but he's still Nick's dad after all. But he did let Nick down when we were in paris and he didn't come to his 17th birthday. But then again he was accepting when Nick told him that he is bisexual and were going out, although he didn't understand what bisexual is yet he still accepted Nick for who he is unlike his brother.


Finally, a chapter after a month or so.
Sorry for the wait, idk when the next chapter is but i think it will be after christmas. I know its a long wait but i really need to focus in school and there is a year end exam coming up and i really need to study for it, or else if i fail my devices will be taken away and i wont be allowed to buy more books. 
I know the part where i wont be allowed to buy more books is wierd because most parents want their kids to be reading but my teacher caught me reading during break time and lunch, so she told my aunt that i "read in class" but I don't, well maybe a few times but the teacher wasn't even doing anything at those times and i was finished with my work but yeah, thats the story.
Okey i gotta stop but this is the outcome of having no one to talk about your problems without them thinking that you complain about everything and thinking that your just being dramatic.

~ •leafhop• ~

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