Chapter 15

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Charlie's POV
A month later

A month has been passed since that dinner with Nick's family, i mean Sarah was great as always but David... not so much.
Nick tried to avoid him the whole home but he just kept coming to us, even if he's not wanted.

Anyway me and Nick are going on a picnic at the local park today and we're bringing Daisy as usual. Who doesn't love that little golden retriever?

I stood by the door of the kitchen while Nick is baking muffins and other pastries for our picnic. He is listening to music while baking, so i decided to scared the shit out of him since he cant hear me. And probably doesnt see me since he's unbothered and he usually comes up to me when he sees me.
Walking slowly torwards Nick and carefully not making any noise that would bring Nick's attention to me.
I hid behind him and touched his torso.
"fucking shit, Charlie, you scared me" Nick say as he jumps and he put his hand on his chest.
"Got you this time" i laugh and Nick still looked like he has seen a ghost.
"That's not funny, Char" Nick flattened the dough with a rollinh pin.
"It is a bit, you gotta admit it" i say and Nick looked annoyed.

Nick continued to bake the muffins and i assembled the picnic basket with the blanket and plastic cups. We decided on eating sandwiches as our main meal and orange juice as our drink, i also put in some treats for Daisy incase she wants some and gets jealous of us eating.

After a while, Nick is taking out the muffins from the oven and checking if they are fully cooked while i sat on the couch with Daisy as she sleeps.
It has been a year since me and Nick got Daisy, she was a surprise for Nick when Nellie past away (im sorry).
Daisy made Nick happier and helped him with the grief that he felt. Of course Nick is still sad that Nellie is no longer with us but he's happy that Daisy is here and he loves her so much. It's like she's our child since me and Nick doesn't want anytime soon. We wanna focus on ourselves instead of taking care of a child, maybe in the future we would adopt one but who knows.

"Are you done, Nick" i asked as Nick is putting the muffins into the basket.
"Almost" he said but didn't looked up and keep his eyes on what he's doing, which i totally understand and not mad at him.


Okay, i know that i haven't updated in a while. Im sorry about that but i had stuff going on and the time i last updated this was also the time where my last semester of 10th so i had so much stuff to do and so much projects and tests that i had no time to write.

I promise to get this story back on track but i struggle on doing so much stuff at once and sometime i forget to do the others.

I'll do two more chapters before my school starts in two days. Hopefully tomorrow i get to upload a chapter.

I know that this is a short one but it's better than nothing, right?


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