My Immortal Love...Or Hate... (Sixteen)

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Danny POV

"Lets try it again. Violet just left, so we need to do it now. Try around the arm." I told Sam

She nodded, and stuck out her arm. She closed her eyes for a second and then bright green heathly vines shot out of her palm, and wrapped around her arm. Waiting to be used as rope.

Sam has been doing so well these past couple of weeks, I've made her immortal as her reward. So she can stay by my side forever. Something she has been asking for, for a while now.

"Good. Sam you're doing so well my love..." I said kissing her. I pulled away and her eyes were bright green, they've never been that color, since now.

"What is it Danny?"

"Sam, Your eyes are bright green."

Her eyes widened, and she ran to the bathroom. I followed. "My gosh, that's awesome!"

"It means you're ready."

"Danny, you never told me the point of any of this. So what's the point?"

"Don't worry about it love, alright?"

Sam's eyes got that same dazed blank look, "Alright."

"Now lets go." i said walking to the door of my bedroom, i turned my head to make sure that sam followed me, and of course she was. Might be wondering why I've been training Sam with her element for so long. Well, I like power. So I decided to get it. I got the power from my family, killing them in the process. I don't really care. My family was a waste of time anyways. I learned at a young age, that I was one of five who could harness the power of others using my element.

I tried it on my enemy the next day at school when I found out because he has this power of strength, and i wanted it. And it ended up draining every bit of power and life that he had, and that killed him.

The reason i have Sam in all of this is because I figured out that she could do the same as me. And I've been teaching her how to do it by sneaking out of the house and finding people with elements. That she can take from.

I walked to Rayne's room. "Rayne." I said

He looked up at me. "Hey Danny, sup?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to say hey. And so did Sam."

I nodded to Sam who moved to my side. Her eyes still bright green. "Knock him out Sam. Don't drain. We'll wait till Violet gets here."

"Wait what?!" Rayne yelled getting to his feet, with his eyes blazing red.

Sam nodded, stuck out her hand and a vine shot out and went for Rayne's arms.

Before the Vine could catch him, he disapperaed in flames, and reappeared next to Sam and held a flaming hand mere meters away from her neck. "Get away from her." I growled

"No" Rayne said


Sam gasped, but the look I gave her made her shut it.

My eyes turned bright green. I closed my eyes, and the ground shook, and Vines shot out of the ground. The vines on my command went and smashed Rayne to the wall, and tied him up.

"What the Fuck Danny?!" Rayne yelled at me.

"I told you to get away. You were stupid enough not to do so." I said smirking

"Sam, get Kat and Blake. Make sure the vines bring them here."

"Yes Danny" Sam nodded and walked out. I noticed some vines creeping out the floor...

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