My Immortal Love...Or Hate... (Fifteen)

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Violet POV

"So it's a date?"

"Yeah. Pick me up at two then?"

"Of course Vi"

"See you then Jake."

"Can't wait"

I Hung up the phone and looked at the clock. Eight in the morning? UGH I'm going back to bed. Jake called me while I was in Rayne's room and I heard the ring coming from my room so I answered.. It was Jake, and blah blah blah...

I walked back to Rayne's room, got under the covers, and blacked out in seconds.


I yawned and woke up with Rayne's arms around me. I looked next to me and he was still in the bed... Awake... "Well, good afternoon Vi" he smiled at me

I yawned again, "Afternoon? What time is it?"

"Bout one. Why?"

Oh shit! My date with Jake! "I have a date with Jake in an hour! I need to get ready..." i said in a rush, jumping out of his bed. Crap crap crap.... I ran to my room, and tore into my closet. What am I going to wear? I can't wear a Black Veil brides shirt when I'm going on a date with one of the members...

Oh nice... I pulled out a navy blue shirt that had a flaming skull on it, with a Biker helmet that said Fox (A.N Fox is a surf brand just in case you didn't know) eh sure whatever doesn't really matter. Ugh, i hate working under pressure! I need Kat...

I ran to her room, and knocked on the door "Come in!"

I opened the door, and saw Kat and Blake sitting on the bed, just talking. "Uh, Kat?"

"Hey Vi, whatcha need?"

"Jake called at like eight in the morning, and we planned a date for two... And i woke up like five minutes ago... Can you help me get ready?"

"Sure. Do you have any idea on what you want to wear?"

I shook my head, "Not the slightest clue"

"Here this is a top that you like that happens to be mine... So I want it back, cause it's awesome" Kat said getting off the bed and walking to her closet.

She took out a white top with a small penguin in the middle that says 'Poke me. I dare you' I laughed,

"Yay! Gimmie!" i held out my hands waiting.

"Nuh uh uh. Vi, if you want this I have to do your hair and makeup."

"Fine, just light on the makeup please."

Kat nodded, and tossed me the shirt. I don't have time to go back to my room... "Kat can I change in here?"

Kat glanced at Blake before answering, Blake nodded, and so did Kat. "I don't mind. I'm her brother, not a big deal." Blake said

I nodded, and took off my top went into Kat's bathroom, got some deodorant, and put it on before i put on the penguin top. "Thanks Kat, I'll be right back I need to get some jeans and shoes..."

I ran back to my room, and saw jeans, and converse already there for me. Thanks Rayne.... I took off my pants, and slipped on the jeans, then i got some socks and put on the converse. I ran out of my room and ran to Kat's room. When I got there Kat was standing with a flat iron, hair spray and a few bows that I guess I could choose from, and next to her was Blake holding her small makeup kit. "I'm in for it..." I mumbled

"Yes, you are now go into the bathroom and sit. I shall work my magic" Kat said grinning

I slumped into the bathroom and sat on Kat's makeup chair. Seconds later Kat came in with Blake. She put down the flat iron and plugged it in, she also put down the hair spray and all the bows she took out on the counter, then Blake gave her the Makeup kit, and she took out eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, lip gloss and some glitter.

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