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Mina's POV

Later on that night after leaving
Chaeyoung's office, I go upstairs to the
bedroom. I sit in bed scrolling through apps on TV before opening Hulu to watch a TV show, feeling the baby kick every now and then. I sit there from sİx-thirty to maybe nine o'clock at night. Then Chaeyoung walks in the room, sighing as her fingers run through her hair.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, watching
her walk to the bathroom.

"Just thinking." She says blankly.
I watch her walk into the walk in
showers, and she turns the water on,
stripping and cleaning herself. After
about ten minutes, she turns the shower off and grabs her towel. She doesn't bother looking for any briefs. Instead, She just puts some lotion and deodorant on and slides into bed with me.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your body
looks really tense. Do you wanna talk
to me about something?" I say, turning the TV off and setting my phone down on my nightstand. I slide under the covers and she instantly wraps me up in her arms.

"For the first time, I'm letting
someone... I'm letting someone put
fear... in me."

"What do you mean?"

"You remember a couple nights ago, I
told you I had a feeling that this whole
thing is bigger than it seems?"

She gives me a look that says it all. She
sighs, kissing my forehead, stroking my head as it lies under her chin.

"I found something at the base that I
can use to get closer to exposing who
this man, or maybe even organization
is. The name Viper' and a silver cufflink with a snake coiled around an 'M"

"Do you have any idea who it could

"No fucking clue." She says with a
frustrated sigh.

"You figure it out baby." I say, my
thumb stroking her jawline. "Whatever it is, you'll find out. We just need to have some patience. Everything will work out in the end."

"I just...I don't know who he is, where
he is... I just hope I can fix this before
he comes. It'l be too dangerous with
this guy out and my child exposed to

As she's looking off thinking, she stops
rubbing my head and there's a look of... something I can't name on her face.

"What is it baby? Are you okay?"

"I have to go to my office." She says,
getting up and sliding on a pair of
briefs, heading for the door.

"Babe, wait." I say, trying to move as
fast as I can to go after her. She's a
long ways down the stairs while I'm
struggling to keep up with her.

I huff and puff as I step from the last
step and I walk to her office. By the
time I'm there, she's going through her files. Going by the dates, they're really old. She pulls out a file that has the date December 31st, 1998' written on the flap.

She looks at it, almost in fear of opening it.

"Babe?.." I ask, fear apparent in my

"December thirty-first,

"Twenty-four years ago.. that must be-"

"The night I was born.". My eyebrows
knit together. She opens the folder and carefully goes through the papers,
scanning them. "I remember my aunt
telling me how my father and mother
were very protective of me the night
I was born. She told me there was
something that night that occurred,
and that there was a file about it
involving some man."

"And you think your father left you
something in those files about Viper?"

"Yeah, I-I think he left me answers in
this file "

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