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Mina's POV

It's been 2 days since Chaeyoung figured out about the Park brothers, and she hasn't stopped working since. She's been getting up at five in the morning, heading to the gym corridor, then she comes back to the room at nine to take a cold shower. She lays in bed with me at nine thirty and rubs my body and kisses over my face and forehead. She lets me take my time until I feel like getting up, it doesn't bother her. From there, she helps me out of bed and down the stairs and takes me to the kitchen to eat breakfast with me. After breakfast, if there's time, she spends it with me, making sure I'm okay and whatnot, and then at twelve forty-five, She and Jeongyeon leave the house. She's gone from that time til around nine o'clock at night. By that time, i've done all the cleaning I can, and i'm almost finished with dinner for Jeongyeon,Chaeyoung and me. When she comes home, I'm turning burners and things off. She always comes to the kitchen and wraps her arms around me, rubbing me with her head against mine.
I kiss her as I loosen her tie and
unbutton her shirt to rub her chest,
earning a sigh from her.

"Was it okay today?" is what I ask her
every time.

"Just ready to be back with you two." She says. "Things have been getting more serious. My intuition's telling me this whole thing is just a... diversion to keep us away from the real threat. Things aren't just gonna stop here."

"Why do you say that?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"It's... just a gut feeling. That's all."

"You'll figure it out soon, honey." I say,
kissing her neck. "Food's done. I know
you haven't even considered eating

"No... no I haven't."

"And I'm guessing you're gonna say you were too busy?"

"Im always busy." She says, trying to
defend herself. I smile, shaking my
head as I fix her plate. I grab a cold
drink from the fridge and sit it and her food down in front of her. She instantly starts to eat, humming in satisfaction. I wait for Jeongyeon to come down to fix her plate, not wanting to yell because I know the both of them might have a headache, and they both sit and eat as we all talk to each other about the situation.

"I think there's more than what we're
seeing too." Jeongyeon says. "I just can't prove it. I can feel a hint of something more."

"I know something's up. I can't shake
the feeling. It won't go away, so I know
I'm right about this."

"You've never been wrong about things like this anyway." Jeongyeon co-signs.

"Everything will work out in our favor. I just don't want you girls overworking yourselves. You guys are gonna be prepared for anything you come up against. I know you guys have no room for failure so I know that's the only reason you guys work so hard but in the process, you guys are hurting your bodies. Work too much and it's just gonna give out."

"I just... This is too big for me not to
do as much as I physically can for you
two." Chaeyoung says. "I can't fail. Failing this means you and my child being taken away from me."

"And I know you don't want that
Chaeyoung, but you dying isn't going to help much. It may not be that serious to you guys, but I'm... worried... about this."

"I know, and I completely understand. I just don't wanna lose you. Any of you."

I breathe out heavily, rubbing my
stomach. "Okay, I'm turning in. My feet hurt like crazy, and I need a bath." I say walking over to Chaeyoung.

"Alright, love." She says, giving me a kiss as I lean in. "I'll be up soon."

"Alright. Night Jeongyeon."

"Right back at you."

I go upstairs and I sit on Chaeyoung's side of the bed with my leg folded in front of me, scrolling through my phone for a few minutes. When I'm finished with that, I slowly strip, running my hot bath water, putting some lavender oils and things in it to soothe me. I step into the bathtub carefully and I sigh as the warm water hits my feet. I let out a deep breath, sighing in comfort as I sit, relaxing.

"You ran me dry today, baby boy.".

After a while of relaxing, I take a
washcloth and I lather it up with
some soap and I wash myself, getting
between my legs and everywhere else.
I struggle to get my feet, but I end up
getting them, and I rinse the soap away. I let the water out and I carefully get out of the tub, wrapping myself up. I walk out of the bathroom and just in time, Chaeyoung walks in. She smiles and comes to wrap her arms around me.

"Hi, beautiful."

"Hey." I say with a smile, lying my head down on her chest.

"What's the matter?"

"Just... sore. And tired."

"Well let me help."

I smile as my head rises from her chest and I sit down at the end on the bed. She takes some of my coco butter lotion and rubs it across my body, massaging my shoulders and making sure to rub my stomach some. She comes up as my head falls back on her chest, and massages my breasts softly, earning a sigh and hum from me. They've been getting swollen and bigger and getting very tender, so her massaging it feels like heaven to me.

Without asking me to sit up, she massages my back with lotion, me humming compliments to her as she goes. My head stays on her chest as she massages my neck area. I stand up and She rubs my ass, lightly squeezing it making me giggle. She lets me wear one of her shirts and I put on my panties and some stretchy shorts.

She kisses me and says, "Let me get a
shower and I can rub your feet Yeah?"

"Mhm." I hum, nodding sleepily.

"Thank you. I feel so much better."

"No problem." She says, kissing me. She starts to get up to walk to the bathroom, but I grab her shirt, pulling her back to kiss her again, and kissing her a second time before she leaves.

I lie in wait as she showers, and she
comes out and gets dressed in front of
me, letting me watch with a smile. She
moisturizes herself and her hair and
puts some deodorant and briefs on and She comes back, crawling in the bed towards me, kissing me once more.

"Mm, you smell so good." I say to her.

"You smell even better, my love."

She comes down to my feet and starts
massaging them, pinpointing the
middle, top and bottom of the bottom
of my feet. I sigh and close my eyes,
feeling the pain slip away. She massages my toes, top and bottom, and massages the surface of my foot, leaving it with a kiss and moving to the next.

After spending maybe an hour and a
half overall massaging me, she kisses
me and we make out slowly for about
ten minutes and afterwards, she lies
down and lets me rest there with her,
using her to support my belly and the
both of us comfortably go to sleep.

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