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Mina's POV

The next day arrives, and I wake up
to my doorknob rattling. I check my
phone and it's 3 in the afternoon. I
sit up in bed and blink my sleepiness
away as the door opens, revealing
Chaeyoung in casual wear for the first time.

"We've got things to do. Let's go."

"I'm not even ready yet, I just woke

"Well I'm giving you thirty minutes to
be ready, or I'll get you there myself."

"What? I can't be ready in-". She cuts me off by shutting my door and I scoff.

After 45 minutes, I'm not looking how
I wanted to, but I walk downstairs
anyway to see Chaeyoung at the end of staircase checking her watch while
tapping her foot.

"Fifteen minutes late." She says,
sounding irritated.

"I told you I couldn't be ready in thirty
minutes. I'm still not." I say.

"I said thirty."

"You also said you'd get me there
myself. What happened to that?" I say,
rolling my eyes.

"You wouldn't like the way I'd get you
there." She says.

My brows knit together with confusion.

"What does that mean?" I ask, puzzled.

"How about don't try me and you won't have to find out because believe me, you won't be able to handle it."

"You say that like you're so sure." I say, still confused.

"I am, trust me,"

"As if." I say, walking the rest of the way down the stairs and behind Chaeyoung.

As we walk, instantly something pops
up in my head. I look to Chaeyoung, hesitant to say anything because I know she won't care, but I force it out anyways.

"So... my eight week checkup is
tomorrow. For the baby." I say
nervously. "Are you gonna be able
to make it?" She looks down into her
phone, sending messages and typing
away, and I roll my eyes, scoffing.

"Right." I say.

Letting it go and staying quiet, we
drive around as I look out the window, texting Mark every now and then, lying to Chaeyoung saying it's a friend. After long hours of riding around, we get back to her house at 6 in the evening.

I walk in the house, a little tired, and I
head upstairs when I overhear Chaeyoung talking to Jeongyeon. I make out little things.

"I'm going out.... let her.... Ill be back."
I brush it off as I walk upstairs, not
thinking much of it, and I close my
room door, getting in bed. After a
while, I hear Jeongyeon walking up the stairs, shutting her door afterwards. A few more minutes pass before I get a text.

It's Mark. "Are you awake?"

"Yes." I reply, sending it.

A few seconds later he texts back.

"Come see me. Please."

I sigh, different scenarios going
through my head before I just say f*ck

"I don't have my car. Come get me." I

"Otw." he says.

I hop up out of bed and I throw
something on before I sneak out of
my room and down the stairs quietly.
When I get into the foyer, I get to the
door, prying it open softly before I hear a deep, vibrating voice speak out to me.

"Where are you going?" She says, now
familiarizing into Chaeyoung's voice.

"Um... I was just-I was going to take-"

"Don't try and lie to me either, 'cause i
know you've been texting him."

"Wait, what?"

"Mina, I'm not f*cking stupid." She
says walking up to me. "Listen to me."
She says walking closer, hovering over me. "I see now that just telling you things won't work if I wanna get you to listen, so we'll try something better.".

She gets even closer as she looks me in my eyes, now having my back against the door as I look up to her. "I don't like being disobeyed, and I don't like repeating myself so this is the last time I'll say it."


"You are not to associate with him
in any way, and if I am to catch you
talking with him or see him in my
f*cking driveway, I will not hesitate
to kill him in cold f*cking blood, and
I will make sure I punish you in the
process. Do I make myself clear." She
says, pure anger plastered on her face,
bleeding out with her words.

My heart races as I realize that she's
serious about what she's saying, and
whether or not she's toying with me, I
don't wanna find out.

"Do I make... myself... clear?" She

"Yes." I say in a low whisper.

"Do I?!"

"Yes." I say louder for her to hear, my
voice shaking with fear.

"Good night. And while you're at it,
tell him not to set foot on my goddamn property, or he's dead."

I nod quickly and when she leaves,
I start to breathe again, pulling my
phone out quickly to call him, telling
him not to come.

"Mina, seriously?" he replies back.

"Im serious Mark, don't f*cking come
here." I say, getting impatient.

"What the hell, Mina?"

"I'm only telling you this to protect you. Trust me, it's in your best interest."

"I should have f*cking known. You're
whipped and now you're letting her
control your every f*cking move."

"Mark, no, what the hell is wrong with

"What's wrong with you? Ever since
She dragged you out of this house
you've treated me like I'm completely
nonexistent. Then the first time in
months we talk, and you talk like you've missed me so much, then you just push me away."

"Mark, I have bigger f*cking

"You're carrying a baby by a women you don't even f*cking know!"

"And that's such a f*cking problem
for you?! It's my choice! It's my body,
and you don't get to have an opinion
on what I decide to do with it! I chose
to do it, and whether me and hee get
along or not, it's still a baby. I f*cking
hate her, but if she thinks that keeping me here is gonna help her ensure my safety, I won't argue with it. Hell, I can't change her mind so why argue."

"You sound f*cking crazy." he says.

"Let me sound crazy. Goodbye Mark. I
don't wanna talk to you again."

I hang up the phone, angry at his
words. I completely understand
where he's coming from, but this is
still a baby. Whether or not it's with a
man I don't know or even with Jacob
like he wants it to be, it's still my

I have to keep this baby healthy and as much as I hate it I'l have to do it alone. I don't need anybody's approval. I can do this with or without anyone's help. Or at least, I hope I can.

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