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Chaeyoung's POV

We take showers and get dressed up,
brushing teeth and hair. Mina
stands in the mirror, doing her facial
routine when she asks me to curl her
hair. I pick up her curling wand and
help her, curling pieces of her hair and putting curling rolls in her hair to hold them until she's done.

"Thanks babe." she says, poking her
lips out while looking in the mirror,
kissing me and returning to her task.
She takes down her curls when she's
finished and brushes them out a little,
then she puts her lip balm on as I dry
my hair with a brush blow dryer.

When I'm finished, my hair falls in
feathery layers, so I run my fingers
through my hair a couple of times until it looks how I want it to, then I wait for Mina to get ready, passing the little bit of time by scrolling through emails.

"Babe? You ready to go?"

"Yeah." I say looking up from my
phone. She walks towards me and
stops in front of me.

"Do I look okay?". I lean in to peck her

"Beautiful. You smell good."

"Thank you, Chaeyoung."

She grabs my hand and I lead her
downstairs and to the foyer. "You need anything before we go?"

"Can you get my little thing of chewy
cookies and water please?"

"Sure, love."

I run into the kitchen and grab 2
bottles of water and extra cookies
and I come back and grab my keys
from the dish beside the door, letting
Mina out before me and locking
the door before I close it behind me.
I walk a little ways beside the door
and open a little box attached to the
house, revealing a keypad. I type in the password and I hear whirring, letting me know security is good.

I walk to the car and get in, putting her waters in the cup holders and handing her her cookies. She smiles and kisses me with a "Thank you baby." before she pulls a cookie out.

"So what's going on? Where are we going?" she asks as I pull out onto the road.

"I've got business to handle. It's

"People are figuring out?"

"That I have a baby and a future wife

"So they're after us?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Lucky for you
though, you're tangled up with Son Chaeyoung. Nobody f*cks with me unless they're looking for things to go my way or their big ass egos need to be popped."

"Huh. So you're really the coldest out
there, huh?"

"You bet your sweet ass I am." I say
with a grin.

"Okay." she says, laughing.

We arrive at my base where all the
guns, shipments, training, basically
where the whole deal happens.
I walk past the front desk, Karla sitting there.

"Welcome back, ma'am." she says.

"Thanks for holding it down, Cheska."

"Always happy to help, ma'am."

"It's busy here." Mina says chiming
in, trying to keep up with me as we

"This isn't even the worst part. Stay
right by me okay? I don't want you
getting lost."

"You can get lost in here?"

"Yes, andI don't want you walking into
things you aren't ready for."

"Like what?"

"The torture chambers."

"Yeesh. I regret asking."

I walk up a spiraling staircase, letting
Mina walk in front and when we
reach the top floor, I open the doors to
my office with voice recognition.

"SC."I say into the pad. Locks click and
the automatic door opens, revealing
the dark-themed room that is my office.

"Have a seat."

"Gladly." she says, sitting down on a
couch, catching her breath, rubbing
her belly. "He isn't but so big and he's
taking all my breath away." she says,
looking down at her bump with a

"He'll be here soon. It's only a matter of time."


I pick up my phone to call Jeongyeon. It rings for a minute before she answers.

"You almost here?"

"Im pulling up now."

"Good.". I hang up and sit in my chair,
running over some paperwork that
needs to be done, then I answer a few
voicemails, calling people back and
writing things down as I speak. "Yes...
Yeah, the Valemonts owed me last
week, I gave him three months and
a warning." I say, tapping my pen on
my desk. "Yeah... Yeah. Alright, call
me when it's done. Thanks.". I put my
phone down on the machine, ending
the call as I write down a few things.
My eyebrows are scrunched together
as I say things quietly to myself. Then
I feel Mina's presence in front of me.

"You okay?" she asks. "You look a little

"Mhm. Just doing some... accounting.
Something's not right."

"Well what is it?"

"My money's not in the right place.
Something's missing."

"I mean, you told me the Valemonts
owed you a lot of money, maybe that's
what it is."

"My men are already handling that.
There's something else.". I think fora
minute before it clicks. "Shipments.". I
look at my scheduled shipments and I
notice one of them didn't get shipped.
I slide back to my desk phone and call

"Yes ma'am?" she says, picking up instantly.

"Have you heard anything about that
shipment that was supposed to be here days ago?"

"No ma'am, but I can check the status of it."

"Do that for me.". There's silence and
tapping on the other end before she
speaks again. Then Jeongyeon walks in.

"Ma'am, it got held up. It isn't coming."

"The hell do you mean it's not coming?"

"It looks like it stopped before it got to
the docks."

"It's them. Goddanmn it!". I slam my
desk phone back on the hook as my
fists hit the desk, making Mina

"SC, what is it?"

"They took my f*cking money."

"Shit, we've gotta get moving."

"What do we know about this person
other than they're a pain in the ass."

"Okay so I did some computering and I got an identity on the guy that's coming for her. Look."

"Is that.."

"Hell yeah it's him."

"Lucas, you motherfucker."

"And his brother, Park Carlos."

"Well, now we know what we need to

"So let's get it done."

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