Chapter 13: Showtime!

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Chara POV

As Y/N and I left Muffet's Parlor, we found ourselves in yet another change of scenery. This time, we were standing on what appeared to be a grand stage, bathed in colorful lights. The atmosphere was electric, and the air was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Y/N looked around, clearly intrigued by our new surroundings. "Well, this is unexpected," he remarked, his eyes scanning the vibrant stage and the empty seats beyond.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder myself. "It looks like we've stumbled upon some sort of performance space," I mused, floating beside him. "I wonder what kind of show they put on here."

Just then, the sound of applause filled the air, and we turned to see a square robot approaching from the wings of the stage. It had a screen displaying expressive cartoonish eyes, and it seemed to be programmed for theatrics.

"Welcome, welcome, darlings!" it exclaimed, its voice carrying throughout the theater. "You've just arrived in the most fabulous place in the Underground—my stage!"

In front of us stood a square robot with a dazzling screen on its chest, and Alphys's voice came through the phone, saying, "H-hey there, u-um, that's Mettaton. He should be fine... b-before I added, uh, h-human killing features..."

Y/N's expression shifted to one of confusion and concern as he held the phone. "Human killing features?" he repeated, clearly startled.

I moved closer, curious to hear what Alphys had to say. On the other end of the line, Alphys stammered nervously. "Y-yeah, um, you see, Mettaton has some combat capabilities, and, well... I never completely removed them. But, uh, don't worry, it's all just for show now."

Y/N chuckled, realizing Alphys's anxiety. "Well, that's good to know," he replied. "Thanks for the info, Alphys. We'll keep that in mind."

With that, he ended the call, and I floated closer to him. Y/N gave me a wry smile and said, "Seems like we're in for quite the show, Chara. Let's see what this Mettaton has to offer."

I nodded in agreement, our curiosity piqued by the unexpected turn of events. As we ventured deeper into the theater, the atmosphere grew more electrifying, with flashy lights and extravagant decorations surrounding us.

The stage ahead was grand and dazzling, and as we approached, the room's lights dimmed dramatically. From the shadows emerged the star of the show, Mettaton himself, a charismatic robot with a screen displaying his expressive face.

Mettaton greeted us with a theatrical flourish. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the grandest entertainment spectacle in the Underground!" he proclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Y/N leaned in and whispered to me, "Looks like he really knows how to work a crowd."

As the performance began, Mettaton showcased a variety of talents, from singing and dancing to telling jokes and captivating the audience with his charm. The audience, consisting mainly of cheering monsters, seemed to adore every moment of the show.

We watched in awe as Mettaton's screen displayed vibrant animations, adding a unique and dynamic flair to his performance. Y/N and I couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement of the theater, even though we hadn't expected to find ourselves here.

After a particularly energetic dance number, Mettaton addressed the audience once more. "Now, my darlings, it's time for a special surprise. We have a guest in the audience tonight!"

The spotlight suddenly turned toward us, and I could feel Y/N's tension rise as all eyes focused on him. Mettaton, with a mischievous glint in his eye, said, "Why don't you introduce yourself, dear?"

Chara X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now