Chapter 11: Unleashed Power

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Chara's POV

As I watched Y/N engage in a fierce battle with Undyne, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. He had undergone a remarkable transformation, his eyes turning a deep, intense black, and his combat abilities had surged to new heights. While it was awe-inspiring to witness his newfound strength, it also filled me with worry.

Y/N had always been determined, but this was different. He was no longer on the defensive, constantly dodging and evading. Instead, he was taking the fight to Undyne, launching counterattacks with a speed and precision that left her struggling to keep up. It was as if a primal force had awakened within him, one that drove him to confront danger head-on.

While part of me admired his courage and determination, another part feared for his safety. Undyne was a formidable opponent, and even with his newfound abilities, the battle remained treacherous. I knew that if he pushed himself too hard, he could be in grave danger.

As I watched Y/N, his eyes now a piercing midnight black, I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and concern. His laughter echoed through the chamber, and the words he spoke sent a shiver down my spine.

"Y/N, please be careful," I whispered to myself, my hands clutching at my ethereal form. I wished I could do more to protect him, to keep him safe from harm. But all I could do was watch and hope that his strength would be enough to overcome this formidable challenge.

Undyne, on the other hand, seemed taken aback by the sudden shift in Y/N's demeanor. Her attacks became more erratic as she struggled to keep up with his movements.

Y/N continued to evade her strikes effortlessly, a smirk playing on his lips. "Is that all you've got, Undyne? I expected more of a challenge!"

The situation had taken an unexpected turn, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were now facing a side of Y/N I hadn't seen before. I could only hope that this newfound power wouldn't come at a cost.

With each passing moment, the battle between Y/N and Undyne intensified, and I could only watch with a mixture of fear and admiration as my friend fought with everything he had.

Y/N's display of power was nothing short of astonishing. As he effortlessly evaded Undyne's relentless spear attacks and then, in a flash, appeared behind her with a casual taunt, I could hardly believe my eyes.

"Peekaboo," he said, his tone playful as he flicked her away. The force of the flick sent Undyne hurtling toward a wall, and with a tremendous crash, the wall shattered into pieces, leaving a gaping hole in the chamber.

Undyne struggled to her feet, clearly disoriented and in pain. It was a stark contrast to the fierce warrior who had confronted us earlier. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the sight of her vulnerability.

"Y/N, please, let's end this peacefully," I implored silently, my thoughts reaching out to him even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I didn't want to see anyone get hurt, even if it meant confronting the challenges of the underground head-on.

But in that moment, as the dust settled and Undyne regained her composure, it remained to be seen whether Y/N would heed my silent plea or continue to unleash the formidable power he had displayed.

Y/N just done a playful frown and said "Well now this is just getting annoying."

Y/N's playful frown belied the intensity of the situation. Undyne, though wounded and disoriented, was not one to be underestimated. As Y/N continued to express his frustration, I couldn't help but worry about the escalating confrontation.

"Y/N, please, let's find another way," I silently urged him, though I knew my words couldn't reach him. There had to be a peaceful resolution to this conflict, a way to avoid any more bloodshed.

Chara X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now