Chapter 8: The Daily Report

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Papyrus cleared his throat dramatically, his voice carrying through the air. "H-HELLO, UNDYNE! I'M HERE WITH MY DAILY REPORT... REGARDING THAT HUMAN I CALLED YOU ABOUT EARLIER..."

He paused, and I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. But what caught my attention was Papyrus's admission:


It was a surprising revelation. Papyrus, the master of puzzles and riddles, had been unable to capture me, the human who had entered the underground. Despite his determination and unwavering belief in his own abilities, he had been unsuccessful in the past.

Papyrus seemed surprised, stammering as he spoke, "...W-WHAT? YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE THE HUMAN'S SOUL YOURSELF... BUT UNDYNE, YOU DON'T H-HAVE TO DESTROY THEM! YOU SEE... YOU SEE... "

One look from this Undyne person and Papyrus took a few steps back.


It became clear that Papyrus held Undyne in high regard and was willing to assist her in any way possible, even if it meant not capturing me himself. The conversation shed light on the relationship between Papyrus and Undyne and hinted at the complex dynamics of the underground.

As Papyrus finished his report and the sound of footsteps approached, Chara and I quickly moved away, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping. It was another intriguing encounter in the underground, one that added another layer to the complex world we were exploring.

Chara's POV

As Y/N and I attempted to slip away unnoticed after Papyrus's report, our hopes of escaping undetected were quickly dashed. Undyne, the determined captain of the Royal Guard, had sharp senses and an unwavering dedication to her duty. She spotted Y/N and began to chase after him with a fierce determination that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Shit!" Y/N said as he ran.

I watched in a mixture of concern as Undyne pursued Y/N through the winding pathways of Waterfall. Her heavy armor clanked with each step, and her one eye was fixed firmly on her target. Y/N, while agile, was clearly no match for Undyne's speed and determination.

I couldn't help but worry for Y/N's safety, knowing that Undyne's intentions toward humans were far from friendly. As I continued to watch the chase unfold, I wondered if there was any way I could help Y/N evade capture.


Undyne's pursuit was relentless, and I could hear the clank of her armored boots as she closed in on me. She was determined to capture me, and I knew I had to keep moving if I had any hope of escaping her.

As I sprinted through the winding pathways of Waterfall, I could hear the sound of something slicing through the air. I didn't need to look back to know what it was – Undyne was hurling energy spears in my direction, and they whizzed dangerously close, narrowly missing me.

"Shit! Shit! SHIT!" I cursed under my breath as I dodged the deadly projectiles. Each spear that flew past me served as a grim reminder of the danger I was in. Undyne wasn't holding back, and her attacks were relentless.

I had to find a way to lose her. My heart pounded in my chest as I scanned my surroundings for any possible escape routes. The labyrinthine layout of Waterfall worked in my favor, providing numerous nooks and crannies to hide in, but I couldn't afford to slow down.

Ahead, I spotted a small alcove partially hidden by hanging vines – a potential hiding spot. I altered my course, making a desperate dash for the concealed alcove. Undyne was hot on my heels, and I could hear her taunting laughter as she continued to pursue me.

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