Wedding Bells

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Kei flew back to South Africa and Tobio became increasingly busy with volleyball. Shoyo had settled in her normal day-to-day routine. She also had the chance to go into their office and they ended up having a dinner out with some of the team who works with her for the last time as her sending away party.

When she was home she noticed a bunch of notifications on her phone from their various group chats. Shoyo almost screamed of excitement but stopped herself because she knew the kids would be sleeping in her room and Pedro in the guest room.

Shoyo immediately opened her email and there it was the wedding invitation. She did receive the electronic invitation but most of the people who were invited in Japan got the printed copies. The invitation was so beautiful with flowers such as daisies and sunflowers on the corners with baby's breath running along the sides. It was simple and sophisticated and it suits the couple.


Save the Date

Yamaguchi and Yachi

Together with their families, Tadashi and Hitoka cordially invite you

to celebrate their wedding

[August 20 , 20xx] [11:OO AM] [Sendai]



Dear Shoyo Hinata,

We are thrilled to invite you to join us on this joyous occasion
as we exchange our vows and embark on a lifetime of love and

happiness. Your presence would mean the world to us as we begin

this beautiful journey together.

Tadashi and Hitoka would be honored to have you witness and

share in their wedding ceremony. Join us in celebrating love,

friendship, and the start of our new chapter as husband and wife.


Date: August 20, 20XX Time: 11:OO AM Venue: Sendai XXXXXXXXXX

Please RSVP by May 20XX to let us know if you will be able to attend.

Dress Code: Semi-Formal Or Dressy Casual



We eagerly anticipate your presence and look forward to creating

unforgettable memories with you on our special day. Should you have

any inquiries or need assistance with travel arrangements, please do not

hesitate to reach out to us.

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