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Looking at the blinking cursor, Atsumu sighed in frustration. Dragging his hand down his face he blew out a shaky breath. He gave up and just shut off his laptop slamming the screen a little too hard. It was an expensive laptop but he couldn't care less. He wanted to write an email to Shoyo, he had a lot of things to say to her but the redhead had blocked his number or she changed contact details. He couldn't call her, she's also not on her social media accounts. He had to resort to writing an email but couldn't type a single word much less a letter/email.

Atsumu waited, days turned into weeks, weeks into months. Exactly three months since Shoyo left. He was devastated to find out from Shoyo's mother Yua Hinata that she would not be coming home from Brazil just yet. It did not escape him that Yua was also concerned that it was taking Shoyo a long time before coming back to Japan. It was supposed to be temporary but Shoyo was going to stay for a year, maybe more. According to Yua, Shoyo did not provide any reason for her extended stay. Atsumu could not help but think that he was to blame for it.

Though Atsumu's career skyrocketed even more in the last month or so because of his new projects he couldn't help but be dissatisfied. He got less time for himself, he even planned to go to Brazil even for a day or two but somehow Kiyoko and Kita-san got wind of it and nipped Atsumu's plan in the bud.

He was growing desperate by the day that he resorted to emails.


A certain level of expectation was always asked from celebrities, it almost always extends to their family. No scandals, clean background, and most importantly their lives are not their own anymore. They sacrifice a part of their life and privacy that is always going to belong to the people.

That's why Shoyo decided to stay in Brazil for the duration of her pregnancy not just to hide but to save her family from her transgressions. One inebriated night coupled with emotional instability, decisions were made that lead to her current predicament.

Pregnancy was not in the list of her priorities but it happened and it was already done. She had to put on her big girl pants and be a responsible adult. Even if it means she will be a single parent it doesn't matter because she has her friends and once she tells her mom and Natsu she's sure that they'll support her no matter what.

Shoyo could not help but entertain the thought of informing Atsumu of what happened but she doesn't want to force anything on him. She buried it all in a grave in her mind. A cemetery in her subconscious along with the trauma and pain. Atsumu and Alisa are together now and Shoyo doesn't want to be the villain in their relationship that seemed to be getting stronger, they seemed happy in the magazines and news on the internet. Shoyo would not admit it to anyone but she often searched about him whenever Shoyo would open her laptop for her emails. She's happy that Atsumu and Alisa have mended their relationship, and that's no bullshit. It was not the right time to tell Atsumu that he's going to be a father again. Alisa is nearing her due date, she's not someone you would call stable, emotionally. She doesn't want to insert herself and her child into a relationship and demand something or create drama. Shoyo knows she is capable of providing and taking care of her own child.

Maybe someday she'll tell him but right now she's on her own.

Everything will be okay...


To say Kenma was surprised when he arrived in Rio to find out Shoyo was pregnant is the understatement of the century. When she left Tokyo so suddenly he knew something was wrong and that work was just her alibi. Being a stock trader Kenma learned to roll with the punches but finding out that the girl he likes is pregnant was one hell of a suckerpunch. One look at Shoyo and Kenma knew she needed a friend more than anything and that's what Kenma gave her.

Kenma didn't ask but Shoyo volunteered information, or at least from what she knew so far. She found out that she was pregnant at 4 weeks and five days. When they met she's already at 6 weeks gestation. She shared everything except for the father's identity and Kenma didn't ask but he has an inkling who that person is and it made sense why Shoyo doesn't want anything to do with him.

One would not describe Kenma as a selfish person but at this moment all Kenma could think about was to be selfish and keep Shoyo away from everyone, so that she would not get hurt anymore and also he wants her love. He just has had enough of guys she gives herself to and yet doesn't see her worth and hurts her in the end. This time he will try is damnest to make Shoyo happy.

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