Silly Sicily Encounter

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Days turned into months and into years.

The twins are two years old now.

They are finally going back to Japan. Shoyo had already been putting off going back. She had run out of reasons and it was time to face reality.

The twins have already been traveling with her wherever she goes. Her career had taken off to her surprise. The only thing keeping things from going crazy was that her identity as the author H. Sho had been kept under wraps. When she's H. Sho the famous author, she would transform into a different person and no one somehow has been able to connect Shoyo to her author persona for which she was thankful.

Rika and Ryota grew up to be jolly and active kids. Shoyo could not be happier and proud of her kids. They may have an entirely different upbringing, thanks to her situation but Shoyo made sure that her children will have a somewhat normal life.

The twins spent their time with their uncle Pedro when he's off work. They would also have play dates with their friend Miguel, Nice and Heitor's son who was the same age as them. They knew their grandma Yua, grandpa Keishin and auntie Naachan because they all talk almost everyday with them. They are also close with their uncle Kenken who visited them regularly in Brazil, sometimes with their uncle Tetsu too. They have a lot of people they can call family and people who love them very much that's why when they asked about their papa, Shoyo was taken aback.

It should not have been much of a surprise for her. She had expected that the kids would someday ask about their father but she did not expect it to be this early on.

It was the first time that Shoyo was able to leave the twins because her mom and Keishin were in Brazil to visit them. Natsu already started her university and was unable to come with them. Shoyo was working on a project in Sicily and while there Nice had also booked her a farm to table 3-day cooking course and tour when she found the program in one of those travel agency pamphlets. It was sort of an advance gift to Shoyo from Nice and Heitor for her birthday before they leave for Japan.

Shoyo arrived in Italy and got into work immediately without even getting into her hotel. She was fetched by one of the associates of the publishing company in Italy and a personal assistant who will be her translator for the duration of her stay, work or otherwise. All the paperworks has been checked by her team and just ready to be signed with minor addendums. It was all just formality and legalities but they wanted for her to visit some bookstores for promotion of her book being translated to a different language.

Anna, her translator, was already informed of her activities and was happy to accompany her as a translator and tour guide as Shoyo traversed the narrow streets of Sicily to the enormous and remote farm in Noto where they would stay for the cooking course that Shoyo had been dreading.

It was a joke at first but Nice realized how Shoyo was a bad cook so it didn't seem like a joke anymore. For Shoyo and the kids her cooking was okay and they got by, thank you very much. Pedro likes to cook for them so who is Shoyo to deprive one of his best friends of the pleasure of cooking?

The day one on the farm consisted of tours around the farm which was surrounded by citrus, almond trees and olive trees. There were various spice and herbs, and fruits, and vegetables but Shoyo's favorites were the flowers like hibiscus and plumeria. Anna seemed to be enjoying the tour with her and Shoyo was happy that the younger female didn't seem bored with her company. They were just a small group, one american who just graduated from med school and was spending her break before the grind starts, an old couple from Spain that she enjoyed talking to despite her miniscule spanish vocabulary, and a guy maybe a year or two older than Shoyo who was really tall and lanky with shaved head but the red hair color was still apparent. He was rambunctious, flamboyant and chatting up everyone. Shoyo found him weirdly endearing.

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