Something More

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Kenma and Shoyo were seated on the sofa, each of them holding a baby. Ryota was with Shoyo and Rika with Kenma. It has been a few days since the twins were discharged from the hospital. Kuroo left to go to Argentina after seeing the babies get discharged and is currently in Bolivia. He said that he will come back immediately after all his work is done so he can spend time with them in Brazil much to Kenma's chagrin.

Yua Hinata and Keishin spend time visiting tourist spots as much as they can with Natsu, but after just a few days Natsu got tired and just spent the time on the beach and she went to coach Lucio so she can play volleyball on the beach and also indoor. After that no one can pry the volleyball away from her especially when she was with Heitor and Nice.

Kenma and Pedro were usually the ones who were left in the house with Shoyo and the babies which Shoyo didn't mind. Kenma is not the outdoor type of guy and Pedro still has school when and if he is at home he's usually asleep.

Shoyo noticed that today Kenma was particularly antsy and fidgety. Sometimes he was deep in thought that a crease formed on his forehead. Shoyo also witnessed something unthinkable, Kenma lost a game and him quitting said game subsequently. He usually grinds and doesn't stop until he conquers the level or the boss no matter what time or day he will finish that level but today was different.

"Is something bothering you Kenma?" Shoyo asked while putting the sleeping Ryota to the crib, bundling him tightly with a blanket.

Shoyo reached out for Rika and Kenma slowly handed the sleeping child to her who was sleeping soundly on his lap. When Rika was tucked securely next to her brother in the huge crib, Kenma spoke. "I wanted to confess to someone but I don't think I have a chance with that person."

Shoyo thought it was so out of character for Kenma and what was more surprising is it was something that Shoyo would not have thought crossed Kenma's mind. At least not at the moment, because he never opened up about love or liking someone until today. Shoyo pondered for a while before responding. "How so? You don't know that... take a leap of faith and confess. If that person accepts your feelings then good. If not then that person will have to reject you properly then you can move on." She said bluntly.

"That easy?" Kenma smirked.

"Nothing's ever easy Kenma." Shoyo shook her head but continued. "Don't worry I'll be here to comfort you if you get rejected." She said jokingly to make Kenma smile but it had the opposite effect. His expression became serious.

"I lik-...I love you Shoyo." He suddenly said and Shoyo was floored... speechless.


"Let me finish so I won't have any regrets. I've been in love with you for so long, even when you started going out with Oikawa, my feelings still grew. When you guys broke off my thoughts where I would have my chance, I got angry for only thinking of myself at that time, especially when I saw how broken you were and how much pain you were in. That time my priority became your happiness more than mine. That's why I didn't make my move... I let you go. I thought that was it. I needed to move on but then you came back and I realized my feelings were still there. I know you only see me as a friend and I'm okay with that, I just need you to reject me properly so I have closure. So I can go back to being your friend again."

Shoyo wanted to hold his friend and tell him that it's alright. She wanted to comfort him and say things that he would want to hear but not the words he needed. So instead she did the right thing. She gave him what he asked for. It was the only thing she could do for him as a genuine friend.

"Kenma, I love you. I do, but not in the way you want me to love you. I'm sorry. I hope we can still be friends. I know it's selfish but I need you." It took all Shoyo's strength not to cry. Kenma doesn't need her tears. He doesn't need her pity.

"Thanks Shoyo." Kenma smiled but it did not reach his eyes. Shoyo knew he was hurting but she couldn't lie to him or to herself. He deserved better than that.

Kenma gave Shoyo a chaste kiss on the forehead before saying goodbye.

Kenma asked Shoyo to not contact him for a day. He promised he was okay when he saw the worried look on Shoyo's face. He told her that he just needed some time alone and he promised her that he would come back and be her friend again. He just needed time to restart, like one of his gameplays. He needed to go back to the latest save point. He'll be okay.

Shoyo was laying down on the sofa and was staring at the ceiling trying to process what just happened. It was in that position that Natsu found her.

"Nee-san? Are you okay?" She asked with worry, she scanned her sister from head to toe to see if there were any injuries or problems and thankfully found none.

"Can I get a hug?" Shoyo asked without looking at Natsu.

"Yeah sure but let me shower first coz I stink of sweat and I'm full of sand." Natsu said she must have been playing beach volleyball, Shoyo thought but didn't care. She grabbed Natsu's arm and tugged her gently, pulling her down to her on the sofa. Natsu wanted to complain but relented when she heard her sister release a sigh.


"What happened?" Said a female voice, Shoyo recognized it. It was her mom's voice.

"I don't know." It was Natsu, she was whispering. Her voice was closer to where Shoyo was lying down.

Shoyo figured she must have fallen asleep. She opened her eyes and saw the twins being fed by her mom and Natsu. Keishin or Pedro are nowhere to be found. They still have not noticed that Shoyo had woken up so she closed her eyes again and concentrated on making her breaths even. She's not sure why she was pretending to be asleep but it might have something to do with evading her mom's questions.

"When I arrived she looked stunned and a little out of sorts. When I hugged her she fell asleep after just a while."

"Where was Kenma?"

"He must have left cause Pedro didn't see him either." then Natsu gasped and asked. "Did you think they fought?"

"I think it was more complicated than just fighting. I think Kenma finally confessed."

"Kozume-san likes nee-san?" Natsu almost shouted and Shoyo heard her mom shushing Natsu and she apologized.

"And I think Shoyo rejected him." Her mom said and Shoyo decided it was time to wake up.

Yua Hinata was sure that her daughter and Kenma went through something the day before considering how Shoyo would change topics if it was about Kenma and he would blatantly ignore questions about his friend but when Kenma came the next day they were back to normal as if nothing happened that Yua started thinking she was worried for nothing.

It would have been easy if Shoyo ended up with Kenma. They're friends and they obviously care for each other. Kenma loves the twins and he is their godfather. It would be as easy as breathing but in the years she had known her daughter she was one to just accept something just because it was easy. She would follow her heart... always.

It was moments where Yua would catch Kenma give Shoyo a look of longing in the tiniest and the most brief of glance that one might think they imagines it that Yua is reminded that things could get complicated between them but when Shoyo smiles at him, Kenma would smile back as if he follow her to hell and back. Yua knew that look all too well.

As a mother Yua worries about her children constantly. She wanted Shoyo to come back to Japan with them but she knew she would not go with them, at least not yet. She knows it had everything to do with the father of the twins. Keishin told her that it might be complicated to come back with them especially with how the media is shitting bricks with their relationship and Yua doesn't want to put Shoyo and the twins in that kind of environment. Yua agreed and promised that she would do everything in her power that one day when Shoyo returns with her children that there would not be complications for them.

Shoyo promised them that she would come back to Japan once they have the all clear from the twin's doctor that they are safe to travel.

Kenma said he will arrange the flight because to hell that he would allow his godchildren to travel in a commercial flight.

Yua knows the twins will be spoiled rotten not only by them but also by their godfather and Shoyo's friends. She concluded that this was going to be their "something more". 

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