In Sickness and In Health

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Ryota got sick for the first time and Shoyo was alone. Pedro was at his part-time job. Nice and Heitor were out of town for a volleyball tournament. Kenma and Kuroo had already left Brazil with her mom, Natsu and Keishin.

The first few months with the babies were difficult as Shoyo had to juggle working and being a mom. She does have a sitter with her and a housekeeper for the apartment to keep things tidy for her and cook their meals when she's too busy or doesn't want to order food. For the most part Shoyo was handling motherhood pretty well until Ryota got sick.

One particular morning Ryota's fever got worse and Rika was showing signs of cough and colds too. Shoyo was worried because they started to eat less and less. Ryota even vomited. So she decided to go to the doctor.

Shoyo went to the hospital clinic carrying Ryota in her arms because he kept crying when on the stroller. Rika on the other hand was mostly quiet and stayed in the stroller. Shoyo went to register the twins and give her health insurance to the receptionist but her bag fell. Ryota starts wailing when she puts him down on the stroller. She had to pick him up again because Rika starts getting fussy when Ryota cries beside her. Shoyo felt overwhelmed but had to console her babies.

Someone picked up her bag and wallet. Shoyo was about to thank the person but to her surprise she knew the person. He was the furthest person on Shoyo's mind that he would see or meet in Brazil. It was Iwaizumi-san.

"Let me carry the baby while you go and register them." He said and Shoyo gave Ryota to him. She registers her children and they are herded to a waiting area waiting to be called.

"Thank you. Iwaizumi-san." Shoyo said. Rika was sleeping on the stroller and Iwaizumi continued to hold Ryota.

"Happy to help. I didn't know you got married." Iwaizumi commented. Shoyo was wearing a ring but it was just to stop people from asking about her marital situation. It was a cheap gold ring that he asked Pedro to purchase when Shoyo finally got tired of their nosy neighbor from asking a lot of questions or people from the publishing company who saw her while she was pregnant.

"I'm not married." Shoyo said but did not expound further.

Iwaizumi just nodded, not asking anything. He just looks at the baby in his arms fondly.

They were called in the clinic and Iwaizumi followed them in on the door and Shoyo reached over to get Ryota.

"Dad can come in too" said the nurse and entered the room without waiting for their response.

"You don't have to come with us. You must be busy." Shoyo said not wanting to impose on him. Shoyo felt embarrassed because the last time they saw each other was when Oikawa and her had an altercation.

"No it's okay. If it's okay, I'd like to accompany you."

Shoyo agreed.

The nurse let them sit while Iwaizumi helped the nurse weigh Ryota and then Shoyo helped with Rika after. When they were done getting the vital signs, the nurse took the children's history from Shoyo.

Then they were ushered into the doctor's office. The doctor asked a bunch of questions about the children and Shoyo diligently answered them and had lists on her phone of their medical history, vaccinations, allergies, even the temperatures for the past days and the medications they are taking. Iwaizumi was impressed. She was doing excellent taking care of her children and he had to wonder where the father of those children were and why she was alone. Why would someone leave her to fend for herself and the babies?

The twins both have the flu. Ryota was worse than the Rika because he had slight dehydration from poor intake due to no appetite and vomiting. It was a good thing that they didn't need to be hospitalized but Shoyo needed to monitor and feed them. If they get worse they'll have to be admitted.

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