Mummy Dust~Aether x Sodo🔞

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It was just right after a show when Dewdrop, Aether, and rain got off stage and onto the party bus that held the instruments and the crew. When the trio had walked in, no one had gotten off stage yet. It was just the three of them. Well that was until Copia walked onto the bus. Shortly followed the rest of the band 

Each bus seat held two people; Mountain sat with Cirrus, Swiss sat with Cumulus, Sunshine sat with Rain, and Copia sat by himself at the front of the bus. This left Dewdrop and Aether to sit together.

Dew was very happy with the idea of sitting with Aether. Aether was one of his favorite people. When Dewdrop called the window seat he practically jumped in the seat right before Aether sat down. The ghoul sat upright as his spaded tail swished behind him. 

"Hey Aether!" Aether sat down next to the other. "What'd you do this time?
 He got a book from his bad and flipped through some pages glancing at Dew slightly. "What? What do you mean?" The sly smile Dewdrop had been holding dropped. "That smile. You only smile like that when you did something evil"

Dewdrop's face flushed a reddish tone. "What? Flustered because i called you out?" Aether was now looking directly into Dew's eyes. His own eyes soft and half-lidded. The quintessence ghoul teased the other quietly so the rest of the band wouldn't look over. Dewdrop only stayed  quiet; which was rare. "hm? Why so quiet?" Dewdrop tripped on his words and only managed to get out a tiny squeak before slapping his mouth shut. The next few words he spoke only came out as muffles to Aether. "I can't hear you when you do that, love" Aether closed the book he was holding and got closer, lowering his voice down to almost a whisper. Dew took a slightly shaky breath before removing his hands from his mouth. "It doesn't matter.."

Dew turned away and looked out the window of the bus as the lights went off meaning they were leaving. The bus started a low unsteady rumble and kissed just before they started moving. Aether sat back in his seat hearing Copia talk about something but he didn't listen, his eyes were still focused on Dewdrop and the ghoul's reflection in the dark window."

Dew still had the blush on his face for a moment when he saw Ather looking back at him in the reflection. the dim to almost non-existent lighting only reflected the soft glow of Aether's eyes. Dew looked back over again and opened his mouth but before he could actually say anything Aether spoke, "Does it matter now?". The fire ghoul flushed a bit. "Not really but i didn't want to stop talking to you" Dewdrop's eyes softened when the both of them made eye contact. "Aw,  you love me" Aether smiled brightly and his tail seemed to wag a bit behind him but Dewdrop didn't notice.

"I never said that!" Dew whisper-yelled as not to bring any unwanted attention from everyone else on the bus. Rain and Sunshine were sitting right behind them and Dewdrop could only assume at least one of them were asleep because of the soft snoring he heard.

Aether put the book almost completely forgot about back in his bad, "But you do~". Aether looked back up to be met with a very embarrassed ghoul. He smiled again. "See, you're not even trying to deny it" Aether got  closer, teasing Dew as he ghosted his tail over Dew's thigh making him shiver and blush even more than he already was.

"Come here Dew" Aether motioned him to get closer as he backed off. "What? No, Papa is right there" He protested yet he got closer anyway. "oh come on, he won't notice if you're quiet" Aether slid his hands around Dewdrops waist and easily lifted him on his lap. Dew was pocket sized, he was both small and lightweight. That plus Aether's strength made it extremely easy for him to lift Dewdrop like he did. "Can it just wait until we're somewhere private?" Dew tried top move in a comfortable spot on Aether's lap but since his hands were still on his waist it only kept him in place and gained a barely audible moan from Aether. 

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