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For a vampire recently out of action Enzo was doing a good job with keeping up with Damon. The Englishman caught Damon's left leg with his two hands and snapped it as if the leg was nothing more than a twig. The blonde-haired laughed as she raised seven fingers allocating Enzo seven points for the brutal move. Grudges were a terrible thing to be on the receiving end.

It had been one day since Enzo had been rescued via Caroline and the English vampire was slowly adjusting to the new century, the blonde didnt expect him to know everything far from it.

The two vampires stopped fighting and went their separate ways.

"How are you finding the new century," asked Caroline as she stared at the newly washed Enzo, it would be hard to believe that he had just been in a fight. He was checking his new clothes in the mirror. "I don't know much about your taste, but they should do it for now. Well until you go clothes shopping," she rambled on with great delight.

"The clothing is fine Caroline," said Enzo as he backed away from the mirror, looking at the bubbly blonde. "Anything is better than wearing clothing from Augustine," he hummed as he grabbed a blood bag.

"Are you sure that you dont want to come back to Mystic Falls?" Asked Caroline already knowing that the answer would be no. Enzo drained the blood bag, bringing it away from his mouth and throwing it into the bin. Caroline was sitting on a couch across from him while Damon was hovering outside the door in case he was needed by the blonde.

She couldnt truly understand what he could be feeling, being locked up for over fifty years could dampen anyone's mood. A small smile was brought to Carolines lips as she continued to watch Enzo pick up her phone analysing the small device in fascination. "I've missed so much," muttered Enzo as he placed the phone back down, eyes darkening as they locked onto the door.

"And now you'll have a chance to experience it for yourself," told Caroline. Her thoughts returning to Mystic Falls and the drama that she would soon be pulled back into, and then there was the issue of Jo Caroline bit her lip. She didnt know when the funeral was going to be held.

"You've lost someone recently," commented Enzo as his full attention went to her.

"Yes," hummed Caroline. "I had only known her for a short amount of time but I was fond of her."

"It only takes a short amount of time," agreed Enzo with a fond expression, Caroline had no clue about who it could have been for.

Carolines phone rang loudly as she got up from the couch, going over to answer it and giving an apologetic smile to Enzo. She pulled the phone away from her ear since Elena was shouting down the phone with worry. 'I forgot,' thought Caroline as Elena explained about a car crash and that she looked like Katherine.

With some reassurance that Caroline would be coming back to Mystic Fall soon, Elena ended the call to have an overdue conversation with Stefan.

"Trouble in paradise?" Asked Enzo.

"You could say that."

Damon walked into the room, his eyes never leaving Enzos figure. "Come on Caroline. It's time to leave," said Damon, his arm stretched for the blonde. Caroline linked her arm around his, feeling the tension build in the room.

"If you ever want Damon dead just give me a call. I can have my hand through his heart in a blink of an eye," offered Enzo as Damon gave a hurt look.

"I might take you up on that offer one day," chuckled Caroline before she added. "I left Bree my phone number."

"I'll make sure to use it."

"You better."


The journey back to Mystic Falls was silent, Damon kept his eyes focussed on the road, his hands occasionally readjusting his strength on the wheel. Caroline sat in the passenger seat, deep in thought. From what she could deduce Damon and Enzo were captured by a vampire hating organisation and used as experiments. The blondes eyes flickered towards Damon as she leaned back into the car seat and gave out a sigh. Caroline closed her eyes. This would not do.

"What do you need me to do?" Asked Caroline as they were nearly there to Mystic Falls. This was her offering him a landline. Damon gave her a look and she understood perfectly. Her phone buzzed and an irritated Caroline read the text. "Oh great someone is after the doppelganger," muttered Caroline as she read a text that Elena had been attacked. Elena was already mopey after finding out that she was adopted. 'If she's already acting like this, wait until she finds out that her uncle is her dad and that her mother is a vampire,' thought Caroline with a giddy expression.

"Stop that, you look like an evil barbie," said Damon. "You mentioned a doppelganger. What are they?" Questioned Damon with suspicion, he had a feeling that he had heard that term before but he couldn't place it.

Caroline realised her slip of the tongue, she shrugged her shoulders and took a deep breath. "The reason that Elena and Katherine look the same is because they are doppelgangers. I don't really know much about them apart from that they can be used as magical ingredients," explained the blonde-haired hunter.

Damon took a moment to process the information. "Does that mean Elena can be used in sacrificial magic?"

"Yes, I think so," told Caroline.

"So she's a golden ticket?" Asked Damon with a chuckle. Caroline gave a small smile as she felt feelings of warmth. There was the old Damon returning.

"I guess she is," hummed Caroline in agreement.


When Caroline and Damon arrived back at Mystic Fall they went their separate ways. The first thing Caroline did when she went back to her house was take a long bath, her thoughts going to the other vampires in town. She shook her head as she scrubbed her body clean, emptying the water when she was done.

Caroline went and collected her journal, reading over the notes. Anna would be making her play very soon along with her accomplices. Nodding to herself Caroline placed the journal back once she was finished with it.

Tonight was going to be a peaceful night.

Until it wasn't

A simple phone call put Caroline in a sour mood. Elena had been attacked by a vampire in her own home and now there was going to be a witch hunt for him. She messaged Bonnie warning her about the vampire because she would be a target. The only thing to brighten her mood was a text from Bree. She had gotten in contact with the other Bennett witch and according to her she seemed more agreeable to do the ritual.

The only reason that she was willing to open the tomb was to get Damon to see that Katherine wasnt in there since he was stubborn and wouldnt listen to her. Killing the vampires inside was good but the real rewards were the favours that she could get from Anna and her mother. The meeting of another Bennett witch was also another bonus that brought a smirk to her face.

The book and the witch were sorted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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