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"Are you having a bad day?"

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"Are you having a bad day?"

"WAKEY, WAKEY SLEEPING BEAUTY," SAID DAMON, LAYING ON HIS BED WHILE WATCHING THE SLEEPING BLONDE EYES FLICKER OPEN. Seeing Damon in her sight, Caroline shot up from the bed, making sure that she had all of her clothes on. "Relax Buffy I didn't do anything to your unconscious body." He placed his arms at the back of his head, resting on the headboard.

"That is totally reassuring, Damon," told Caroline as she went over to the mirror and checked herself out. "Anyway what happened while I was out? Do you have any spare clothes?"

"You're acting way too calm for my liking, you might need to be institutionalised," playfully hummed Damon then turning serious. "How do I get into the tomb?"

Caroline full attention turned to Damon. She knew that this question was going to come up. "You need Emily's spell book. It should contain the spell for the tomb. Did you find the other vampire yet?" Did you kill her was left unsaid.

"Not yet blondie. Not yet," chuckled Damon, throwing a set of clothes at Caroline, the blonde caught them and headed toward the bathroom, she didn't want to give Damon a free show. "And make sure to wash your face. You don't want anyone mistaking you for Carrie!"

The blonde took her time in the shower, not caring about missing school and besides she had more important things to think about than school. Like what Emily Bennett did to her. She felt different, not in a good way or even a bad. It was just weird, really weird.

A hand turned the shower off and reached for a towel, located on the towel rack. Caroline carefully stepped out of the shower, making sure she didn't slip and fall out. She dried herself off and put on the clothes that Damon gave her before leaving the bathroom. "Don't you look less dead."

"I was going to thank you for the clothes but nah," said Caroline, looking at Damon with her clothes in hand. "Where's my phone, Damon?"

He smirked at her. "Why don't you come and find out, Buffy," told Damon. Caroline shook her head in annoyance. "Seriously Spike I'm not in the mood... especially after what Emily Bennett did."

Damon's interest grew at the mention of Emily Bennett. "What did the witchy bitch do to you?" Caroline went to search for her phone in Damon's room, she smiled at the phone in her hand. "I would tell you but I'm not fully sure. Actually, why would I even tell you, Damon? You would probably stab me in the back with it."

Caroline unlocked her phone, looking at the many missed calls from everyone. "And here I thought that we had something special."

"We both know that the only one that is special to you is Katherine." Caroline refrained from mentioning that she wasn't exactly in the tomb. She wanted to end this conversation because Katherine was a touchy for the unstable vampire in front of her. "Well, I'm going." She headed out of the bedroom, leaving Damon behind.

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