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"Life is shot so make every hair flip count

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"Life is shot so make every hair flip count."


Bored blue eyes stared into Damons chilling blue ones, he didn't look pleased not at all. "And why shouldn't I tear you throat out for getting in my way, Buffy?" Caroline bit back a smile, feeling pleased that she got under his skin. Maybe her preservation skills were lacking in this moment.

It was time to test out her new abilities from her training and what better way than to test it out on this willing subject in front of her. Damons eyes shot up when Caroline grabbed his wrist and removed it from her neck. "It seems Buffy's been holding back," said Damon, eyes filling with interest as he backed away from Caroline, just giving her enough room to move. "And you definitely do not have some other motive to be here, other than annoying the life out of Stefan."

"Are you suicidal? Trying to piss off a vampire that could kill you at any moment. But if you are I can gladly kill you if you want," told Damon with his signature smirk. "Are you and Stefan the only vampires in town?" Asked Caroline. It was time to throw the dog a bone. "I think her name was... Anna."

Caroline was pleased at seeing the realisation in Damons eyes. If she could get Damon to kill Anna or even be prepared for her and her underlings then that was a plus. "Saved by the bell," hummed Damon as the bell loudly rang through the campus. "And I'll be seeing you later." He snatched Caroline's bag, plucking and taking her phone, smirking before he used his vampire speed.

"Did that just happen? If he wants to steal my stuff then I'm going to steal his... car," said Caroline, flipping her hair behind her shoulders. The blonde girl sighed as she lazily walked to her classes that had already started. Did she really want to go to school? No. The only good thing was Alaric should be the new history teacher soon.


Caroline was happy at the arrival of Alaric when she realised that he was teaching in the school. The classes were simple but what caught the blonde's attention was Bonnie. The Bennett witch had been acting weird and Caroline could only come up with one conclusion, Emily Bennett, which shouldn't be possible.

Class had finished and Caroline was getting ready to go home or find Damon to get her phone back. Bonnie had asked for a lift to her house and Elena was nowhere in sight, so the two girls headed to Caroline's car. "Bonnie are you feeling okay?" Asked Caroline, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck rise. This was never a good sign.

Bonnie's reflection wasn't Bonnie's reflection. Caroline took a breath of fresh air, spinning around to greet the 'Bonnie'. "Hello, Emily," said Caroline with a polite smile. "And what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" The two girls went inside the unlocked car.

"You don't want to die in this 'fictional' place. Do you?" Asked Emily, already knowing the answer. "My purpose here is to offer you a deal in exchange for something in return." Caroline carefully watched the road, interested in this deal. 'If your good at something never do it for free,' thought Caroline.

"What are you proposing, Emily?" Inquired Caroline, curious at the proposal. "I'm going to turn you into an upgraded version of a supernatural hunter and in return you have to try and protect my line," told Emily as Caroline stopped the car.

"What if I don' want to accept the deal?" Caroline slowly felt her eyes close but she could hear the last thing Emily said. "I was being polite but you have no choice."

While Caroline fell unconscious in the car, Elena phoned the blonde phone only for Damon to pick up. After a screaming match on Elena's side of the phone, she informed Damon that she couldn't find Bonnie and Caroline.


A groggy Caroline woke up in a star shaped fire circle, she looked around only to find that it was nightfall and the moon was out. "How long was I out for?" Mumbled Caroline, rubbing a sore part of her neck. She tried to get out of the circle, only for the fire to increase when she went near the edge.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Don't worry body snatcher the ritual will be over soon," told Emily as the talisman hung from her neck, she started to chant in latin, using the talisman, Elena's blood and the moon for power.

Caroline felt pain rush through her body, blood started to ruin down the blonde face from her eyes and nose. 'It hurts,' thought Caroline, falling on her arse and trying to not scream in pain. The pain went on for a full ten minutes, and only after ten minutes did the pain lessen.

"You should feel the changes tomorrow," said a tired Emily, grasping the bloody talisman in her hand. She then went to prepare to destroy the talisman since her work was finished, "Emily!" Exclaimed a furious voice, belonging to Damon. His eyes briefly glanced at Caroline before returning to Emily. "You look different," he said in a more calm voice.

"I won't let you do it," warned Emily, glaring at Damon, who was walking closer. "We had a deal," hissed Damon. "I need to protect my family." Emily used her magic to impale Damon on a tree. Stefan arrived helping Damon get off the tree while Elena was running behind him. "Caroline!" Shouted Elena, rushing towards a loopy Caroline on the ground.

Everyone watched as Emily destroyed the talisman then let Bonnie regain consciousness. A furious Damon was getting ready to rip out Bonnie's throat. "Spike there's another way into the tomb," told Caroline, using her sleave to wipe away the blood. Elena helped her up as Damon calmed down a bit, refraining from killing Bonnie.

"Your going to tell me Buffy or I will slaughter everyone in this town, starting with your friends," warned Damon as Caroline got up from the ground with the help of Elena. "I'm fine," she took a step forward, only to nearly fall again. "Okay... I'm not fine... I'm just gonna take a nap right now." Damon stopped Caroline's fall then vampire speed away.

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