Chapter 3

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-Yukina P.O.V-

"So, got a name dudette?" He asked me in a cool voice, and scratched his neck slowly. I looked away for a while, and then answered. "Y-Yukina..." I mumbled, and Boruto patted my head. "Oh, nice name. Hey, if you don't mind, am I allowed to call you Yuki?" My blushing went worse than a tomato, and I wasn't able to control my mouth.

"Ye-yes!" And just as I said that Sarada collided into the conversation with a white-haired boy calmly watching this drama.

"Hey! How come you allow Boruto to give you nicknames?! Why can't I give you any?" I looked at Sarada with a flustered face, but tried to fill up my courage.

"You didn't ask..." I mumbled, and Sarada all of a sudden calmed down and became awkward. "Oh... Eheheh.. sorry..."

She apologized, and I bowed to accept it. The white haired boy tapped my shoulder with a smile. "I'm Mitsuki, and you must be Yukina Uchiha, right?" "That's right! Isn't it, Yuki?" Boruto playfully answered for me, ruffling my hair in a comforting but playful manner. I blushed a lot and mumbled. "Y-yeah..." "Is she always this shy?" Mitsuki tilted his head as he asked.

"Maybe she just needs a little bit more time around us, that's all." Sarada said, and Boruto reacted to that. "Good idea! Let's start with training a bit in the training field!" He said, and began to walk away playfully. I looked at him walk and followed him. Sarada and Mitsuki were next to me, but then, Sarada pushed me a little and now I am walking at the same pace as Boruto. I blushed like an idiot, and tried very hard but failed to act as normal as possible.

-Boruto P.O.V-

Wowzie Zowie. This girl, Sarada's new sister, she's as cute as heck! Wowzers...

Maybe that's why today I'm so happy all of a sudden. I mean, I was running late and all but then Sarada was also late too and just as my teasing mode was 100% ready...

... In she came...

... Sigh, this is the best...

Oh! She's next to me! I gotta start a conversation with her!

"Hi Yuki-chan, bored of them talking weird things, eh?" I asked and ruffled her cute hair while blushing a bit. "Eh... I didn't get to hear what they're saying anyway..." She mumbled, and I decided to ask her some personal things.

"So~ got a favourite colour or something?"

"Um... Blue, White, Pink and Black I guess..."

"Oh! I like those colours too!"

I chuckled, and ruffled her hair again.

"Hey... I wanted to ask, were you the kunoichi who saved the kid last night? And the same kunoichi who I saw last night...?"

She gasped, and looked down. I looked at her with a very sneaky but pleading face. "Come on... Tell me! Just me... Please???" She didn't answer. She instead started to stammer. And then, I said "Pwetty Pwease~????" I asked, making a 'please face' (you know, the face that shows up in Bluey cartoon? Anyone?)

Yuki-chan finally answered "Y-yeah it was me..."

I smiled, and booped her nose gently "I knew it was you~" she blushed a ton and made a weird noise I have never heard off. But oh heck man, that noise was as cute as heck. "W-woomy..."

-After a while training, they had a mission and once they were finally done capturing the bear attacking the village...-

-Yukina P.O.V-

"This is a bear, right?" Asked Sarada.

"You mean a panda?" Boruto corrected her

"No, It's just a bear that looks like a panda!" She protested

"What? No matter how many times you look at it, it's still a panda!" He yelled with irritation.

"Oh yeah, then get glasses next time!"

"More like you try getting new glasses, four eyes!"

While Boruto and Sarada were busy arguing,e and Mitsuki were watching this comedy drama. As they argued, he then turned to me with a very zen smile.

"So Yukina, were you able to talk to Boruto?" I blushed immediately by hearing that.

"Y-yeah I guess, I mean, we're friends... right...?" I mumbled, blushing a lot like an idiot.

"Yeah... hey, let me tell you something. You know, you're the first girl Boruto was immediately interested and nice to. He never settled down to another, even if it was to talk like a normal friend. He even got okay around Sarada after a long time." Just as Mitsuki said that, he stared at them, still bickering like as if they're creating World War III. "Well... almost okay. But my point is, you're the first girl he's nice to. So, Yukina, don't mess this chance. Even if he maybe a bit crazy at times, try to be the bestest of friends he can ever have." I blushed a lot, and looked at the clouds moving above my head. I thought about what he said: maybe he's right, maybe Boruto just might be a cool guy as a person. Already I like everything about him, but maybe I should try to know him better.

"O-okay... I'll do my best..." I mumbled, now with two things in my head:

1- I want to be Boruto's bestest friend.

2- Mitsuki knows something...

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