One Hundred Twenty-four

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- Caius's POV -

"What are you thinking about so hard, My Love?" Claude whispered, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

I sunk into them and sighed. There's this barking feeling that I know what's happening. I just couldn't prove it.

My grandparents were Omnidomians. Omnidomia is a religion that believes in the God Amarios. Growing up, they told me stories about how someday the world would become bound by an unbreakable bond destined by the Gods.

I, of course, didn't really believe them but thought it was fascinating though now I can't believe that I'm starting to believe them.

I never told anyone yet but sometimes..I see symbols on their bodies. Claude's symbol is on his face, specifically, under his right eye. It was like a vine with a beautiful flower at the end.

Raven's symbol is on his neck. From the back of his ear, trailing down to the left side of his neck. Demetrius' was soo was by the cut on his lips. Sebastian's was on his back, they looked like wings made of golden vines. Slade's was around his right forearm, climbing until his shoulder.

Vincenzo's was on his left lower back then it wrapped until his his thigh. Heinrich's symbol was forming a ring on his left bicep. Mine..I could see from the reflection when I did it with Ivy. It was wringing around my neck and both ends rose to the sides of my face.

The symbol I couldn't get out of my head was Everline' was ethereal. From her lower abdomen, by what I could think is where her uterus is. It wraps around her from there then around and around, climbing up wrapping beautifully to her breasts and then to her neck.

It had all of our symbols. I could suck on them, I don't thinks she's noticed it yet but I kept kissing the spot where my symbol is. It felt soo good. I love the feeling of her skin on my lips. My men knows how much I love her..fuck, I feel like I'd lose myself if she leaves one more time.

With that being said, I've only seen these symbols for a handful amount of times these past few months but I see Everline's more frequently. Which reminded me of what my grandparents said to me as a child, another sign that you have a soulmate is that you dream of them. Not any normal dream, it's an interactive one where they also have conscious minds inside the dream.

If you have a soulmate, you are destined to be with this person. No matter how much you deny their existence, there's a reason why they're your soulmate. Your soul would actively search for them and truly, I think they're right.

I constantly search for them. Even before I was marked by the guys, I wanted to be near them. Be around their presence. Just knowing they were around made my heart swell with happiness. I love them soo much that I can't ever imagine a life without them.

When Everline left us, I still felt happy around them but I wasn't whole. It's not that they weren't enough for me. But, we all felt the same way. It just didn't feel right. It's like she was the glue. It's weird even..I knew them even before she was in the picture.

I was already entangled with them sexually and romantically but even then, it felt like there was something..someone missing. It messed me up.. I'm not going to lie.

The first time I saw her was when
I was inside the Luminescence Hotel with the guys. At the time, they were arguing because embarrassingly they were fighting over..*sigh* me. I was already struggling to end things with my ex when suddenly the room opened. It was her..I still remember how beautiful she was.

When she removed her wig, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I had to look away when she wore her pants though. Her buttom were undoubtedly perfect but she was struggling to get them on. Her cute jumps made my heart skip a beat.

She made an impression on us that day albeit the denial we expressed. The next time I saw her was when I was breaking up with my ex. I already saw her within my peripheral vision so I knew she shoved him on purpose then proceeded to throw her drink at him.

I knew I had to get her name. I had to know who she was. The hurdle was when I found out she was 17. I couldn't believe it. I was disgusted with myself. How could I feel attraction towards a minor? It was more of a reason to push my feelings away.

I felt ashamed of myself.

It didn't help that she was naturally flirty which I later on found out that wasn't the case. When she overheard us exclaim that we only thought of her as nothing..I felt like fucking crap.

She avoided us. I felt tears stroll down my face and I had to accept that I was just fucked up. "She didn't seem like she was 17" was the excuse I came up with but my feelings were just inexcusable.

She didn't have to know that I loved her. I could just keep it to myself and watch her become happy from afar but thank God she became ours. We became hers to have and love.

The puzzle was finally completed. We would be a mess without her. All of us could panic but she would be the one to bring us back to reality. Knowing that someday she would bear our children is something that would be the greatest blessing the Lord could give me.

So..if she is our soulmate just like how the book stated..I wouldn't mind. If anything, I hope that it is true.

Because if it is, none of them would be able to leave. Especially Ivy. Our beloved wife would never have to leave us again.

"Nothing..I just remembered something " I assured Claude, kissing his cheek.

He hummed and lifted me into his arms. He made me sit on his lap and snuggled on the crook of my neck. I giggled and kissed his hair.

"Can I join in?" Sebastian walked in and sat down beside us. Claude narrowed his eyes at him before huffing.

"You already railed him this morning you hogger." He stated in which Sebastian ignored.

"I wasn't the only one, Slade sucked him dry and don't act like you didn't make him cream continuously last night." He gave as an excuse.

"Don't be jealous, he just loves it when  he's taking three of us at the same time." Claude added.

"Can we not talk about this..please?" I hid my face, I can feel my face heating up in embarassment.

They laughed and Claude's arms tightened around my waist. I just felt so complete with them..

"Everline?..where are you going? Ivy! Wait!" We hear Slade call for her but then a loud slam.

I immediately climb off of Claude and rush out of the room. I see Demetrius grab his keys and run out after Slade and Everline.

"What's happening?? What- why??" I stuttered before coming to my senses and run to the emergency passage.

When I got out, I could see Ivy drive off. Demetrius chasing close behind.

Does she plan to leave us again?


Not again.

To be Continued . . .

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