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For the first time in my entire life.

I, Everline Athena Keller-Wescott, or Valentina Liberty- ugh, you get the deal..have finally experienced how it feels to be stuffed inside a suitcase.

It's pretty spacious, he must have bought the most enormous suitcase he could find, how pricy. Even more so since he just escaped prison. 

It was my father or rather Valentina's father who put him behind bars. From what I remember, he was the one who discovered that he had a daughter and went to tell the uncle shithead about it. He was a close aide of my father but he was actually doing an inside job.

He was also doing very illegal shit and that's how my father caught him and got him in prison. It should have been around the time Claude found me a while back.

If you connect the dots, it was clear that the uncle - brother/inferiority complex - shithead was the one who secretly got him out. 

Obviously, this man is now heavily broke. He lost everything he had going in his life and as any bloody dumbass would think, he blames my father for his own decisions. I forgot but he will either use me for a bribe or a revenge sort of thing.

All that I am sure of is that he will shoot me. In the book, it happened. Who knows if it'll happen now nevertheless, I don't care about getting shot. I've dealt worse.

He stuffed me in the trunk of the car, so I took out a portable silent mini fan. Why? cause I knew it'd be hot. 

I took out my phone and got into his GPS system, as I have expected, technology here is much older than back in my world. They're about two hundred years behind, maybe less? but they do have some advanced items.

Hmm..estimated around an hour travel. 

I took out a box and pressed the inflate button. It was a portable pillow. If I'm going to be kidnapped, I will be comfortable.

*sigh* Finally, I can nap.


Ah, he stopped.

I pressed the button once more and the pillow folded back into its box form. I also hid the fan back in my pocket and it reverted into a gum packet.

" *grunt* Damn, for a fucking slim woman she sure weighs a fuck ton. " He cursed.

This fucking arse can't just admit that he's bloody weak and has cotton for muscles.

He pulled the suitcase up a bumpy road, I'd rate this ride a negative one out of ten.

When we reached the top, he opened the suitcase and brought me out. He cuffed my wrists together, classic. Then he proceeded to throw me to the side, he didn't even bother being slightly creative with his work. If you are going to do something fucked up, might as well be good at it.

-Third Person's POV-

The man was named Fabian Nave, he was unsure of what he was doing but the emotions built up inside him that were clouding his process to think properly, made him act on his anger and will of gaining revenge.

" Who is this. " Fox picked up his cellphone.

" You should know who I am, Fox. " He said with a chuckle.

Fox's eyes widened as he listened to the voice of the man, he immediately knew it was Fabian. If he could call him then that meant he got out. 

" What do you want. " He asked, coldly.

" Come to the Treeshire's first company building. Where we first got together as old pals back in college. You know where it is, let's catch up. For old-time's sake~ "

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