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"Libby! This way let's try this one!" Stellan pointed at the one you go in, you wear a vest that has sensors if you get shot. You go inside the vicinity wearing goggles that allow you to see in the dark and shoot at fellow competitors. 

'Now this is something I'd like to try.' I smirked.

"Sure, you meet the age requirement anyways." He was going to go in when he stopped and looked at his brother who sat down in the waiting area with his phone in his ear.

"What's wrong, kid?" I asked.

"My brother, I wonder why won't he come in with me.." he dejectedly said.

"Your brother? old is he?" I asked, making my voice louder.

"Oh him? He's turning 26 soon." 

"THEN THAT'S WHY! HE'S AN OLD CODGER!" I emphasized I saw him put his phone down.

"A w-what?"

"Listen, leave your brother alone. He's at the age that he can no longer keep up with us youngsters. He no longer has the stamina that he once had and I'm pretty sure that.." I leaned in closer.

"Since he's so old, he's hopeless in pleas-" I whispered but his brother cupped my mouth.

"Ok, enough of that. You want me to come to play with you? Alright, let's go in."

He held his brother's hand and walked in 

'Heh, I touched a nerve, didn't I? Good~'

The employee gave us our vests, "Are you two a couple?" she asked with a smile.

Stellan's brother looked at me with a slightly bothered expression. He didn't like people mistaking us for a couple so I raised a brow at him.

"Him? Pfft- me with him? I don't go for senior citizens, sorry." I snarked and entered the vicinity.

"You-" I heard him say and Stellan laughing at the background.

As soon as I step in I looked for a hiding spot, I ain't gonna let him shoot me nor anyone else. Except if it's a cute kid then why not, kid's are a pain when they cry.

It's been a while and I've shot at 7 people so far, originally there were 20 but now there are 4 participants left. Ah no- 3 left, then 2. 

I squeezed through the crevices, searching for whoever was left. 

"Am I still an Old Codger?" I felt him right behind me, whispering in my ear. It sent a shiver on my spine. He had the gun pointed at my vest.

I raised my hands while slowly turning around. 

"No..I said you were a senior citizen." I smiled and kicked his knees. This time we were both aiming our guns at each other.

I crouched down, letting my face come nearer to his face till we were just 5 inches apart.

"You know, you're pretty handsome for an old man," I said and he arched a brow and smirked.

" are pretty decent for a kid." We both pressed on the trigger at the same time and we were both eliminated. 

In the end, we both lost. 

"Let's go on that roller coaster next!" Stellan pulled his brother's arm.

"If that's what you want," he replied.

"Are you sure you can handle it? It might be bad for your heart Sir Alpha." I fake concern and pouted exaggeratingly.

He clicked his tongue at me. I was seated behind the two of them, I tapped on his shoulder and he turned around with a glare.

"You might wanna tie your hair." I offered a hair tie, I'm being quite sincere here.

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