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Charles dropped me off in the front of Slade's company building. I heard that Raven, Caius, and Demetrius arrived here a while ago.

Claude was already waiting in the front for me. Sebastian is already at the location, he said he wanted to see if everything was alright at the place we were going to eat lunch at.

I have absolutely no idea why they would get this far for a lunch date but nevertheless, as long as the food is delectable then I have no complaints.

"Mr. Massoumbert said that he will be dropping you off later so I will be at Mr. Solace's residence waiting," Charles said.

"Alright, take care. I'll send you her number." I chuckled. I was going to turn around when I felt a hand on my waist. I knew who it was already as Claude didn't even try to mask his pheromones.

Charles avoided eye contact with him but did bow his head and then drove off. I glanced at his face and squinted my eyes at him.

"I'm not an idiot, stop glaring at Charles at every chance you get." I rolled my eyes and walked away from him.

He mumbled incoherent words before ultimately saying sorry. I let him walk beside me as we entered the building, I wasn't familiar with it yet as this was just my first time coming here.

It definitely wasn't Claude's first as many of the workers were whispering as soon as we stepped inside the premises. Obvious fangirling in its finest, there were some men in there too. In a nutshell, he attracts both genders.

"Valentina." He started.


"About what you said befo-" He was cut off by the sound of his phone. He was going to hang up when the name of the caller was Vincenzo. He sighed and asked if he could take it, I said it was no problem as I saw Caius walk inside the company cafeteria.

He nodded but then left a kiss on top of my head before walking away. I was definitely startled at first but shrugged it off.

'There are those odd butterflies on my stomach again..' I thought inside my head, my forehead knitted in confusion.

I caught up and saw Caius a little far away from me but then there was a woman in front of him. I did not like the way she stared at him as it was the stare of someone who is judging you in the rudest way possible. 

I overheard their conversation as I bought coffee though I won't be drinking it. This time Caius could not detect my pheromones due to the fact that I drank a pill before coming here. My father supplied me with ten bottles, even if it was ridiculously expensive.

" So, how did you do it? " She titled her head and looked at him mockingly.

" What do you mean? " Caius asked, unbothered.

" *sigh* How did you seduce them? What, do you have a magical ass hole?  Are you good at sucking dick? How? What did you do? I mean, you aren't even that attractive and what's more, is that you are just an omega..a boy to boot." She laughed while shoving him with her pointing finger.

I mean I could just cut her finger off but that would be showing off. So let's just talk it out.

Before he could stumble back I grabbed him. 

"V-Valentina?" He blushed while staring at me. I smiled at him, placed down my coffee, and fixed his clothes. 

" Caius, you don't have to waste your saliva on stupid people. Remember this, you can't ever fix stupid. " I said to him.

" *scoffs* Looky here, the sister shows up.

I turned around and faced her. I stared at her directly into her eyes and looked her up and down. 

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