One Hundred

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-Vincenzo's POV-

**Timeline: Nearly two years after the incident

"We have confirmed sir, the pieces of furniture you've sent are all made by the original manufacturers. The photos are also scanned to be real, no evidence of editing could be traced. In terms of the furniture, the companies have denied ever selling the items but they also could not understand why it disappeared from their warehouse." 

"..I see. You may go.

*door closes*

"So~..what do we do now? " Heinrich questioned, coming from the secret room behind me.

"We just confirmed that they are real, but we still haven't gotten the answer why were they there in the first place. There were photos that couldn't be explained there, and lastly, that Valentina kid. Why did she try to take them back, those are what we need to look for. I'm sure you have figured out by now that there's something not adding up. Something is not aligned with what we if they have been altered. Our memories, that is."

"You've just read my mind, brother~ I mean, what could explain the shots on Rosia's shoulder and hands? We definitely saw Vincenzo shoot her in the torso, and it was exactly one shot. Not the two shots on Rosia's. Heinrey's body was found with even video evidence that he had been dead for over an hour but the autopsy clearly stated that he had only been dead for thirty. Where did the gun that shot Heinrey in the first place come from? and where did it go? We are being fooled right under our noses~ "

I agree with him, but that was some of many cases we found that did not add up to one another. 

..A couple of months ago, I was in Germany to deal with a request from the Japanese yakuza heir. Gisela Fischer had extorted money from them and was to send it to Heinrich. I didn't know at the time that he was busy finding the rat we killed as that rat was moving under Klaus' orders.

Claude is supposed to be in Italy but how come he and the rest of them fly all the way to Nachtenbel? I don't remember the exact reason why..neither did Heinrich. There were gaps in between what I remember.

It was odd, I was embracing someone. There was nothing that proved what I am saying but I know I was. It was a phantom feeling, I could still feel that person's warmth, and body within my arms.

But why would I embrace a woman?

It wasn't like I was drunk, nor was I drugged, and I know that I am loyal to Caius. I would rather stab myself than cheat on him. But who was she? this woman that made me change my mind?

There's this feeling of longing for someone who I don't know. I want someone to come back so desperately but the worse part is I don't even know who that person is.

Next, the person that Caius marked.

We haven't told him yet so he wouldn't panic but he definitely marked someone. It is rare for a dominant omega to mark anyone even if they are recessive unless they have mutual feelings. He doesn't know this fact and nor did I until a few weeks ago when a study from Herrington Medical Institute was sent to me.

I tried searching for any possible time he could have marked anyone and I was left with nothing. There was no trace of it, anywhere. This person would have the same mark as he did and no one came up.

Caius would never cheat on us either, he isn't like that and I trust him. The list goes on and on that is why I know that something is not right.

This was a carefully thought-out plan, it was too seamless that the invisible cracks started to appear. The more you watched it, the more you realize things aren't supposed to be there.

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