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-| THE ANXIETY WITHIN him reached breaking point as Elijah heard the sobs echoing from above. The sound of Adjala's despair tore at his heart, filling him with an overwhelming sense of urgency. He knew she was climbing, that she was pushing herself to the limits, but her sobs were a haunting reminder of the pain she carried with her.

Desperation filled him as he watched her lower the rope and flare the signal. The relief that washed over him was palpable, a heavy weight lifted from his chest. He knew she was alive, that she had made it to the top, and he couldn't have been more grateful.

Inej, ever agile and nimble, started her ascent up the rope. Elijah couldn't help but yearn to go up first, to meet Adjala and hold her close, to offer her the comfort she needed. But he knew he had to wait, to be patient, to ensure that Kaz was also safe.

The minutes stretched on, each second feeling like an eternity as he watched the ladder. Elijah's determination to protect the girl he'd learnt he loved, to stand by her side, was unwavering. And even as he longed to be with her, he knew he had a duty to his team and his leader.

So he waited, his anxiety still gnawing at him, but his resolve unshaken. He would climb the rope to reunite with Adjala, to ensure she was safe, but only after ensuring that Kaz was accounted for. It was the unspoken code of loyalty that bound them all, a bond that would see them through the darkest of nights. Kaz had been the one to offer him solace and he wouldn't leave him behind.

But the tension grew as Elijah anxiously watched the climbers making their way up the rope. Inej had been followed by Matthais and Wylan. The knowledge that only he and Jesper remained at the base of the incinerator gnawed at Elijah's nerves.

Suddenly, the scene changed as Nina burst into their midst, her expression wrought with worry. Elijah's heart clenched, and he urgently inquired, "Where's Kaz?"

Nina's face paled, and she stammered, "I hoped he was with you."

Jesper's panic began to rise, his breath quickening, but Elijah remained the voice of reason. He pressed a steadying hand to Jesper's shoulder and firmly stated, "Don't panic. Climb up, Nina."

Nina nodded, her trust in Elijah evident as she began her ascent up the rope. As Jesper hesitated, Elijah urged him, "Go on, Jes, climb up."

The time ticked by, anxiety mounting with each passing second. Elijah waited with bated breath, hoping that Kaz would make it in time. Just as Jesper managed to scooch his way up the rope, Kaz arrived just in the nick of time, barging into the room, tunic stained with blood-hair ruffled and pupils dilated. Relief washed over Elijah, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude that their team was intact.

DIVINE VIOLENCE [A six of crows Fanfiction] (HEAVILY EDITED) (Not Kaz X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now