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-| THERE WAS nobody who earned Adjala Brekkers hate like Elijah Rollins did. But, as the years passed in the unforgiving streets of Ketterdam, Elijah and Adjala's enmity had not faded, but something had changed beneath the surface. Each secret glance, every stolen moment, added fuel to a different kind of fire—an attraction she couldn't deny. Their previous flirtatous interaction was an example of it.

Adjala had found solace in a dimly lit corner of the Crow Club, away from the chaos of the gaming tables and the prying eyes of the patrons.

Her heart raced, and her mind was a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions. She had hoped for a quiet night, but Elijah's audacious gestures had thrown her off balance.

With practiced composure, she took a seat and pretended to be unfazed by the encounter. Her fingers drummed lightly on the table, a facade to hide the anxiety bubbling beneath the surface.

As she tried to regain her composure, her gaze involuntarily flickered towards Elijah. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned, revealing a glimpse of his collarbone.

She'd let herself imagine touching it. She shook herself out of those thoughts. She'd been disgusted by men and their antics after her few years at the Menagerie.

However, something about that cockroach had her mind racing rapidly. Her thoughts sent a shiver down her spine, and she quickly looked away, irritated by the effect he had on her.

Trying to steady her nerves, Adjala signaled the bartender, Joe, and ordered a shot of the strongest liquor he had. She needed something to numb the unsettling thoughts that Elijah had stirred within her.

Joe placed the shot in front of her and raised an eyebrow. "Rough night, Adjala?"

She downed the shot in one swift motion, the burning sensation providing a welcome distraction. "Yes. First the black Tips and now, this." She said, signalling him for another shot.

"What do you mean by 'this'?" Asked Joe, refilling her shot.

"Elijah," she muttered, her voice laced with frustration.

Joe, always the curious one, leaned in closer. "Elijah? What did that Healer boy do now?"

Adjala downed her second shot. "He winked at me. Then blew a god damn kiss at me."

Joe refilled the shot glass, eyes locked with the Lemurê's "He actually made a move on you? I thought you two were rivals."

Adjala's lips had curled into a bitter smile. "We are enemies to be precise," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "He's probably drunk enough to be dumb enough to do that."

The memory of Elijah's wink and blown kiss still lingered in her mind, making her heart race with a mixture of anger and confusion. She couldn't deny the unsettling feeling that something had shifted between them, and she couldn't quite figure out how to handle it.

That evening, with the dim light of the Barrel casting long shadows, Adjala couldn't help but notice Elijah from across the room.

 Adjala could feel her heart race whenever she glimpsed Elijah from across the room. She hated it. She hated the way his unruly black hair had a gilded glow in the lamp light, his tall and imposing frame sat drunkenly in that chair, and those intense his hazel eyes which had a way of drawing her in. She had always been intrigued by the mysterious Grisha healer, despite their past clashes.

Their gazes met for a fleeting moment, and in that instant, the animosity that had defined their relationship seemed to melt away.

There was an undeniable electricity in the air, a tension that neither of them could ignore. Elijah winked yet again. Her heart skipped a beat.

DIVINE VIOLENCE [A six of crows Fanfiction] (HEAVILY EDITED) (Not Kaz X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now