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-| KAZ'S MIND kept going back to that man. Pekka Rollins. The way Kaz had lied. About being a Barrel boy, about knowing his way around these alleyways since he was born there.

After their mother's untimely death when he was just six years old, his father had been consumed by a heavy melancholy. The lush countryside that had once been their home turned somber and desolate.

Three years later, tragedy struck again when their father met his end, crushed beneath the weight of a plough. It was then that his older brother, Jordie, stepped in to take charge.

Jordie had sold the farm. Not for much. But it was enough to see them safe to Ketterdam and to keep them in modest comfort for a good while.

The journey to Ketterdam was a stark contrast to the pastoral beauty of their homeland. They traveled for days, passing through landscapes of varying landscapes, each more foreign and disorienting than the last. The country transformed, its lush beauty giving way to the cold and industrial world of Kerch.

Back in the countryside, the world was a different place. The country was vast and beautiful, with rolling hills of lush green, dotted with wildflowers of every color. The air was always fresh, and the skies stretched out endlessly.

He'd never forget the first time he arrived in Kerch.

It was a stark contrast to the countryside. The architecture was grand, and the buildings were impressive, towering over the streets.

The city felt busy, filled with people of all walks of life. The canals were like veins running through the city, carrying life and commerce.

Jordie had searched for a job for so long when they first arrived in Ketterdam.

Those initial days were frustrating, and Kaz and Adjala would often stay locked in their tiny apartment. Kaz had been resistent as he'd wanted to watch the magicians on the West Stave.

But one day, Jordie came back with good news. He had gotten a job working with a boy named Filip as an errand boy for Jakob Hertzoon. He even brought them hot chocolate to celebrate that evening.

It was a small thing, but it felt like a taste of warmth and hope in the midst of the cold world they were trying to navigate.

And one day, Jordie got an invitation to Jakob Hertzoon's place. They'd arrived at their grand residence, and Kaz was awestruck. It was a world away from the dark alleys of Ketterdam.

Mrs. Hertzoon was a kind woman, and she had played a beautiful piece for them when they'd arrived. The music filled the air, and for a moment, it felt like they were in a different world.

DIVINE VIOLENCE [A six of crows Fanfiction] (HEAVILY EDITED) (Not Kaz X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now