Chapter 3: First Fight

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Weeks had passed, and finally, the Royal Family was ready to fight in the colosseum. They thought the training was fun, but after they found out they would be murdering other animals, none of them wanted to do it.

Faizah smiled slightly at them, "Don't worry, you'll be okay."

Tiifu and Zuri were crying while everyone else was just depressed.

The Royal Family was shoved into the cave by the colosseum.

Kaleo brought Kion out first. Just as promised, it was Kion against Agana.

Kion stayed calm as he waited for Agana to walk out. Once again, she had blood all over her body. She giggled and slowly walked to the center with Kion.

Kaleo stood between them, "This is a death fight. No mercy will be shone to either lion. Understand?"

They both nodded. Kaleo jumped out of the way and roared, signaling the fight to start.

Kion and Agana touched each other's muzzle, showing respect, then they both quickly backed away, snarling.

I can't let her taste my blood. Kion thought to himself.

Kion roared at her, cracking the ground in front of him. Agana dodged quickly. Kion manipulated his roar to turn around, collecting rocks and dirt with it. Agana jumped out of the way again. Kion roared louder and cracked the ground around her, leaving her on a small platform with no escape.

Kion stopped roared and smirked. She was trapped on that piece of land. Agana looked around, spinning in small circles trying to find a way to jump of the cracks that stopped her from jumping back to firm ground.

"Give up?" Kion asked.

Agana looked at him and snarled. She bunched up her muscles and jumped. Kion watched in slow motion as Agana landed back on the colosseum, but slipped and grabbed onto the end. She looked down seeing the bottomless pit.

Kion walked forward and placed his paws on her, digging his claws in. Agana shrieked in pain.

Kion got ready to shove her off, when he noticed his dad looking at him with worry. Kion realized that this was how Scar killed Mufasa. He promised himself he'd never be like Scar. Not even in a situation like this. Kion quickly backed away and Agana pulled herself up.

She snarled and lunged at him, claws unsheathed. Kion quickly dodged. When he turned around to face her again, he realized she was holding up a single claw and smirking. Kion looked closer and his eyes widened. The tiniest drop of his blood was on her claw. His gaze landed on his shoulder, with the smallest cut imaginable there. His eyes widened in shock.

Agana licked the blood off her claw and smiled, "I just love the taste of blood."

Kion tried running, but he felt his muscles tense up. He couldn't move. Agana walked up to him, "Let's see how well you take this!" She snarled and sliced his shoulder.

Only tears of pain filled Kion's eyes.

Before Agana could attack him again, a sudden burst of energy surged through Kion and he broke free of the paralolyzation, quickly slamming Agana into the ground.

Kion roared loudly, smashing her skull to pieces.

"Our winner of this match is Kion!" Kaleo shouted. The crowd cheered.

Kion's eyes shone with pride, but now he started feeling the pain in his shoulder. Two lionesses cleaned up Agana's dead body while Kion was taken to separate den with herbs everywhere.

"Lay down!" A commanding voice ordered. Kion quickly laid down. He looked around the den and saw a lioness picking out a few herbs.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm not allowed to say my name. It's against the language here. So just call me Fern," She said.

Kion was confused, but nodded.

"Hold still, this might hurt," She said. Fern chewed up some leaves, Kion guessed it was Marigold.

She spit the poultice onto her paw and rubbed it on the gash in Kion's shoulder. Kion roared in pain and tried getting up but she held him down, "I said stay still!"

Kion whimpered in pain as she wrapped his shoulder with cobwebs, "That should do it."

Kion looked at his shoulder, "Uh thanks."

Fern smiled, "No problem. Now get ready to watch the next fight!"

"Who's fighting?" Kion asked.

Before Fern could say anything, Kaleo spoke.

"Next to fight is: Nala and Ezio!"

Loud snarls and roars came from a closed off cave. Nala was already out in the colosseum, waiting nervously.

The Boulder closing off the cave was move and two lionesses were holding another lion in place with vines. Most wrapped around the male lions muzzle.

"Fight!" Kaleo shouted.

The lionesses let go of the vines and the male lion roared and charged at full speed toward Nala.

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