Chapter 2: Trainer

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Kiara groaned in pain as Faizah slammed her into the ground for the hundredth time.

Faizah sighed, "You need to get this move down or you're dead and I lose my tail."

Kiara rubbed her head, "I'm trying, okay? These moved are just too hard."

"I don't think the moves are hard," Kovu said. "C'mon, Faizah. Let's do it."

Faizah got off Kiara and got ready to pounce on Kovu.

Kovu smirked and leaped into the air, twisted and landed square on her back. Faizah snarled and rolled onto her back, crushing Kovu under her, but Kovu held onto her shoulders with his claws.

Kovu pushed her up and grabbed her scruff in his jaws. He lifted her in the air. Faizah's eyes widened as Kovu slammed her hard into the ground. Faizah gasped as the breath was knocked out of her lungs.

Kiara frowned, "You didn't have to make me feel weak, Kovu."

Kovu turned to her, "Sorry, Kiara. I didn't mean to. I guess I'm better at learning this than you are."

(Kovu, 23, Kovu means, "Scar"

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(Kovu, 23, Kovu means, "Scar". Ability: He has quick thinking and can learn moves and tricks easily, giving him an advantage in a fight)

 Ability: He has quick thinking and can learn moves and tricks easily, giving him an advantage in a fight)

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(Kiara, 21, Kiara means, "Light". Ability: By staring at her opponent, she can blind them. But as soon as she blinks, her opponent can see again)

Kiara sighed, "Yeah."

They heard a hiss and saw Kion and Simba fighting each other.

Kion rolled and pinned Simba down. Simba snarled and threw his son off him. They slowly circled each other.

"I won't let you beat me, dad," Kion growled, playfully.

"And I won't let you embarrass me in front of your mother," Simba chuckled.

"Be nice to each other," Nala said.

They both flicked their ears, telling her they heard but didn't want to reply.

(Simba, 30, Simba means, "Lion"

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(Simba, 30, Simba means, "Lion". Ability: He can tell a dad joke and if his opponent laughs, they are under his control for five minutes)

 Ability: He can tell a dad joke and if his opponent laughs, they are under his control for five minutes)

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(Nala, 29, Nala means, "Queen". Ability: She can strengthen any part of her body but it once it's weakened, she can't use it)

Kion quickly dove under Simba and flipped him onto his back.

Simba quickly twisted in the air and landed safely on his paws. He smirked at Kion, "Nice try."

Kion snarled and looked at Faizah, "Can we use our abilities?"

"Nope. This is just regular training. Sorry."

Kion groaned in annoyance, and was quickly pinned to the ground. Simba smiled triumphantly, "I win. Your old man still has some moves."

Kion chuckled and rolled his eye's, "I'm younger, that makes me stronger than you. I also have more energy than you. The only reason you got me was because I was distracted."

Simba smirked, "Distracted by Faizah!"

"What the hell!" Kion pushed his dad off him. "Where the fuck did you get that idea!"

"I was just teasing you. I guess it worked," Simba grinned.

Kion rolled his eye's and stormed off.

Simba looked at Nala, confused. She shrugged, "I'm not sure what is his problem, but maybe you shouldn't tease him about that. He's sensitive about it."

"Sensitive? What for?"

"That no lioness likes him."

"He's still so young! Why is he thinking about that!" Simba shouted, shocked.

"He's at that age, Simba. Just leave it, okay?" Nala asked.

Simba looked at Kion, "Okay."

Nala purred, "Thanks. Now you watch how a professional fights."


"Faizah!" Kaleo shouted.

"Hmm?" She turned to him.

"We've got two new lionesses here. They go by the names Tiifu and Zuri. Help them train," He whispered in her ear. "They suck at fighting."

"Sure, I'll help them."

"Thanks," Kaleo shoved Tiifu and Zuri to her and walked away.

Kion ran up to them, "Tiifu! Zuri! How are you guys!"

They both looked at him with disgust and walked away.

Kion's tail dropped and he folded his ears down, sadly.

Kaleo came running back and whispered in Faizah's ear again. She nodded. Not long after, a brown lioness walked up to them.

She stood in front of the Royal Family. Her gaze was ice cold.

Kion joined his family and gasped when he saw it was the lioness he had seen when they first arrived.

She glared at them, "Name's Rani."

(Rani, 17, Rani means, "Queen"

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(Rani, 17, Rani means, "Queen". Ability: She can blend herself into her surroundings, almost going invisible)

Faizah stood beside Rani, "She's going to help me train you."

Kion didn't know why, but for some reason his stomach felt like there were butterflies in it.

"None of you get in my way, or we're gonna have a problem. Understand?" Rani growled.

"Yes ma'am!" They all said in unison.

"I'm not a ma'am yet!" Rani shouted.

They all chuckled and went back to training.

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