Laad Guvnor or Rajkumar?

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Khushi looked at the bundle on her lap. They really were sample invites. Did he really come to drop the invitations? Shaking her head she focused on them and picked out a couple she liked. She then picked her phone to follow-up with the girls who worked for her on how the day went and if they were able to manage without her.

Payal returned looking happy and flushed. Her eyes were bright. Khushi's heart overflowed. Love did suit her Jiji. Akash Jijaji was fast becoming her favorite person. Another two weeks to Mehndi and Sangeet and then the wedding. She realized with a pang that her Jiji would be moving to the Raizada Mansion. Well! At least she would be in Delhi.

As if Payal heard what Khushi was thinking, she pulled her to the porch outside. She was bursting to share the news with someone.

"Khushi. Guess what was the surprise?"

"What Jiji? Tell me na?"

"We.. I mean Akash ji and I after the wedding will be moving to Lucknow for a few months."

Payal paused for what she said to sink in. Her eyes shone.

"Few months Jiji?"

"Yes. Arnav ji told Akash ji that he needed him to relocate to Lucknow for about 6 months to handle some business they are setting up there."

Payal lowered her voice.

"Akash ji thinks it is because Arnav ji thinks we need the time away from sasuma after the wedding,"

She grinned as if she was privy to some inside joke amongst the Raizadas.

Khushi gave her sister a big hug and squeezed her tight. Her Jiji deserved all the happiness she was being showered with.

Payal bounced back into the home to find Bua with a surprised look on her face looking at what looked like a check register. Her forehead had furrows in it from thinking so hard.

"Payaliya, come look at these numbers for me. Why does my account have more balance than it usually does?"

Payal sat next to her Bua and crunched the numbers for her. She added up the numbers and looked at the past month to compare debits.

"There it is Bua ji. Your rental check has not been cashed yet. That is why you have a higher balance."

Bua sat lost in thought. The check should have cleared by now. She would have to follow-up with the landlord.

"Hai Re Nandakishore. With all the work relating to the wedding, I now have to follow this one up as well" she said as she rose to go in the kitchen.

Khushi who had come in as well, grabbed the check register and concurred with what Payal said.

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