Ain't missing you at all

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Khushi walked out to the veranda and called Lavanya ji.

Arnav rang the bell at the Raizada Mansion muttering under his breath about how long it took Hari Prakash to open the door. The door swung open and Di stood there a little out of breath at having to get the door quickly.

The sight of Di took him unawares and a heaviness descended on him as he realized what he was about to do. Holding Di by the elbow, he made his way to the study rather than take the steps two at a time disappearing into his cave. Sitting companionably, they sipped on the tea that Hari Prakash served them.

Trying to appear as casual as possible, Arnav looked at his sister and asked "When is Jijaji coming back? It has been a while since his last trip." Di looked at him laughter reaching her eyes. "What is it with you and Akash wanting to know when Jijaji will be back? Are you tired of me being here?" she teased.

Wincing at the barb, Arnav quickly changed topics and left the room. Pacing up and down his room, he called Aman again.

Lavanya and Khushi caught up on the phone skirting over the critical question of why she and Arnav broke up. "I'll tell you someday Chamkili. Not today." "Can we meet sometime?" Khushi ventured knowing she would not rest easy till she assured herself Lavanya ji was OK. "How about tomorrow at the cafe near AR Designs?" suggested Lavanya. Khushi agreed feeling uneasy about being anywhere near where the Laad Governor was.

The day broke rather suddenly for Khushi as she woke up from a jumble of dreams all of which involved lost payals, fairy lights and a certain rakshas. Throwing off the covers with more force than necessary as if rejecting her dreams, Khushi made her way to shower and brush. Buaji seemed to be rather loud today she thought as she closed the door behind her.

An hour later, downing chai and hot puri aloos, Khushi left the home fortified for her meeting with Lavanya ji. Taking the familiar route to AR Designs, she mulled over how much her life had changed after that fateful night at Sheesh Mahal. Shaking her head as if to dispel thoughts of the dark brooding man who seemed to have set up residence in her heart, she looked forward to her meeting with Lavanya ji. Perhaps if she got there early enough, she could sneak in a visit with Manju Aunty and Shukla ji at the AR Design cafe? They had been sweet to her for the brief time she worked there.

Walking past the entrance of AR Designs she kept her head averted as if she expected Arnav ji to materialize in front of her and yell "What the.." So intent was she in avoiding the phantom in her mind that she ran head first into Shukla ji who was getting ready to move the food from his van to the AR cafe. Looking up she said sorry and a genuine smile transformed her face.

"Shukla ji! Fancy running into you here. I meant to stop by and say hello to you and Manju aunty at the cafe. Hope all is well." Khushi chattered non stop barely giving Shukla ji time to respond.

"Khushi ji, am in a rush now but I do want to talk to you. Are you around for a bit after the lunch rush? I promise to answer all of your questions then. Please do come by. I may even have jalebis for you." Eyes twinkling he vanished behind the glass doors.

The thought of jalabis cheered Khushi immensely and she quickly made her way to the cafe where Lavanya ji was sitting a cup of coffee in her hand. Spying Khushi in her bright yellow suit, Lavanya got up and wrapped her in a warm hug. "Chamkili! I have missed you much."

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