Chapter Nineteen

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URGH I despise that I take forever when writing action filled chapters...
Aside from that school has kept me pretty busy..
But it's fine. I'm still writing haha

Happy reading guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter!! I felt like it would be easier to just squish it all into one instead of having it be another chapter which I would be struggling to write. So sorry if it's not as "Dramatic" or "Exciting" as my other ones are lol

Or who knows...It might be a short chapter and the next one will be longer...wHo KnOwS AnY MoRe XD
We'll see haha

I feel like ima make the most anti-climatic fight ever

So, just a heads up that it might be a shorter chapter...maybe...IMA JUST LET YA KNOW IN CASE (spoiler: it's only 2000 lol)


The heavily venting Prime took a few pedesteps back, only then did Soundwave and Ratchet notice a few wounds on his frame. The two huddled mechs also took a step back. Soundwave's left pede slipped on the edge of the gaping hole below.

He quickly stepped forward and looked down into the Omega Lock. At the moment it was a giant empty ring. As he turned back to look in front of him, the communications officer spotted a grayish blue servo. Intrigued, he peeked back over the edge and watched Gipsy Eureka pull itself onto the Omega Lock carefully.

Then a low growl pulled the dark mech back into the reality of what was happening in front of him.

A frame flew past Soundwave's line of sight. Turning he saw Optimus push himself up to his pedes. A few new gashes were seen gorged into his chassis. Each one leaking Energon slowly.

"You think you can take m–us on alone?! Our beasts are returning, your failed attempt to distract us was futile!" A hulking machine stepped forward. Tarn...his frame was barely noticeable. The beast noticed the shocked looks, and chuckled, "Ah yes...This is the result of Kaiju blood mixing with Energon. I–our, Raijin'! My blood mixed with Tarn's lifeblood, resurrected my old body and merged it with my leaders..."

Lifting herself up, Gipsy Eureka's helm peeked over the edge of the giant hole. The Omega lock was a fair way beneath her and she saw this creature in front of her. Its servos were more like Vechicons servos. Except it was three reddish claws that merged with Tarns double barrel ion blasters, on his left arm there were spikes coming out where his blaster would have been. His arm's jutted out past his elbows, a brownish beige skin merged with Tarn's Purple and silver frame.

His legs were long, which caused his knees to bend as he stood. The weight of his upper half seemed to be almost too much for him to handle. His golden knee plates stuck out like daggers. His pedes were cracked as the hide-like skin merged with them. His shoulders, tracks were pushed apart by the strain of the hide jutting in between them. On the back of his strained back strut, a long scaled, jagged tail stuck out. Swaying from side to side slowly.

The creature's helm was different...Tarns helm was still there, but his intake was enlarged and held sharp jagged teeth. Another sort of covering flew over his helm. It was like a barrier, shielding Tarn's stretched and changed helm.

Koda pulled herself up to the small platform, meeting this creature's four glowing red optics, "So you're an abomination?" Her gaze flickered over to Soundwave, Ratchet and Optimus. Her fists clenched when she saw that her mate had been injured.

"No, we are the new generation!" The large beast took a step forward, causing Gipsy Eureka's clenched servos to rise into a defensive position, "We will take this world...then the next. And never stop till this miserable universe is under my-our..Control!"

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