Chapter Sixteen

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Happy reading guys!! Sorry about the gap between chapters. We went on a trip and school has been busy. But of course I got sick and I need to go to school tomorrow since it's the first day of literal classes. WHY DOES SMOKE DO THAT TO A PERSON?! Gosh it's annoying, now I've got a scratchy aft voice and my throat is painful and I feel like ima purge. and I got gym tomorrow -_-
It's fine...
Anyways, hope y'all enjoy this chapter!

And my friend made me listen to a song from Hamilton and she said it corresponded with me. So...I think it was called Non-stop.
She just showed me the lyrics and such.
Also requested that I put it on here to see if any of you corresponded with it. So I did lol

Hamilton wrote the other fifty one!
How do you write like your running out of time?
Write day and night like you're running out of time.
Everyday you fight like your running out of time, like you're running out of time.
Are you running out of time?
How do you write like tomorrow won't arrive?
How do you write like you need it to survive?

How do you write every second you're alive?

Every second you're alive?
Every second you're alive...

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!!


It's been about half an hour since Koda had climbed up to hide from Raijin. She would have moved sooner but Insecticons bringing in dead offline bodies of Starscream and Airachnid stopped that.

The barbed spikes that Koda was hanging onto were covered in Energon. She dared not look at her palms. After seeing a group of the bug-like Cons pass by she started climbing down from her spot. Wincing slightly as the gashes in her hands opened more and more.

Pausing when she heard the heavy pedesteps of an Insecticon pass by.

After the strange creature walked by, its back hunched, Koda continued climbing down to the ground. After hearing the news about the Cybermatter, she knew that she had to check things out...It didn't sound good. Then again anything to do with the Decepticons was bad.

As her feet touched the ground, Koda quickly tore off small strips of her tank top. It was more of a crop top now, something she despised. But with the strips of fabric she grabbed one and set the end down on her left palm. Stretching the fabric slightly as she wrapped it around her hand, her torn skin stretched slightly which earned a small wince from the woman. After she had the fabric secured nicely, she tucked the end of the fabric into a fold. Ensuring that it wouldn't budge for the rest of her time in this base of sorts.

Taking a quick look around Koda wrapped her right hand the same way she had done the left. After ensuring that no one was around the large walkway, the woman ran across the dark road of sorts. There was a large guardrail along the side of the pit, which ensured that no Con would fall into it and perish. Though as Koda reached the edge she noticed multiple Insecticon frames laying at the bottom, torn apart and crushed from the impact of the fall.

Her azure eyes fell into the middle of the pit and she gasped slightly when she saw what was in the middle. It was something she hadn't seen in a long time, and had not wished to see again...

"The Omega Lock!" She whispered as she leaned forward a bit to get a good view of it. There was something humming above, higher up...Taking a quick glance a slightly irritated groan left Koda, "Now of course that's the only ship available to transport the damned thing..."

The Nemesis was floating a little above where Koda had been hiding, just out of her line of sight. The large ship had four tentacle metal arm looking things. Which seemed to be the items that would grasp onto the Omega Lock and make it able to be transported.

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