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                        Dedicated to     

I sigh for the umpteenth time as I lie awake and unmoving.

I spent the night and early hours of today ugly crying and now I don't even dare to let a single tear  drop, due to the raging headache I have.

I turn to look at the time and it reads 4am.

I just want to get this day over and done with.

Suddenly, Amelia comes racing into my room with a cupcake that has a candle on it.

I sit up and she jumps on my bed.

"Happy birthday!"

I try my hardest to smile a believable smile so she won't suspect anything.

"Thank you" I say.

"You have terrible bed head" she points out.

"Yeah..." Little does she know, that this isn't bed head. Rather it's as a result of the countless times I pulled on my hair to the point of hair loss.

There's a knock on the door that pulls me out of my thoughts.

Amelia goes to answer it.

You cannot imagine the shock on my face when Amelia opens the door to reveal Jay and Jamal standing behind it.

"What are you guys doing-" before I can complete my sentence they shush me, telling me to be quiet.

"Do you want us to get caught?" Jay says.

"Happy birthday" Jamal says.

"Thank you" I reply.

It's at that moment I realize that Jay Felix is standing in my room, looking like a literal male model, while I have a birds nest for hair, under eye bags so deep, and dark that I just know I look scary.

Blotchy skin, chapped lips, stress acne...

"Make a wish" Amelia says.

I stare at the candle and my mind goes blank.

I blow out the candle without a wish and I nibble at the cupcake.

"How do you feel to finally be legal?" Jamal asks.

"The same" I admit.

If anything, I still feel 15.

Amelia and Jamal get into conversation and Jay comes over to me.

"Are you okay?" Jay asks.

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?"

"You tell me. You look like you've been crying"

"This is how I look in the mornings" I lie.

"I doubt that. Prada what's up with you? You've been off since the day before"

"Nothing is wrong"

"Do you not like your birthday?" He asks.

"Would you look at the time. It's 4:30 am. I should probably get some shut eye before tomorrow. Thanks for coming" I say as Amelia and Jamal start to leave.

Jay gives me a look of suspicion and turns to leave.

I sigh and try to mentally prepare myself for the day.


"Happy birthday Prada" someone says and I smile.

"Thank you"

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