14~Late night adventures

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Visiting day is the one school event I hate the most. And trust me when I say I hate school events.

I hate club activities, I hate career day, and I really hate spirit week.

But visiting day is different.

Everyone is with their families, laughing and having a good time, while I sit somewhere and watch.

It's moments like this I wish there was never even an accident in the first place. I don't have any parents, any siblings that could come, and not leave me felling like a nobody.

It's all anyone is talking about. And it's driving me insane. Amelia keeps telling me about how much she can't wait to see her siblings, and I can't tell her to shut up because I can't risk blowing my cover.

I took an extra long time to get ready today. I don't want to even go for this.

"Prada! They're here" Amelia squeals.

"Yay" I say under my breath.

"C'mon let's go" she says.

"I don't really wanna-"

"C'mon Prada, don't be a Debby downer. You will be surprised that your parents might come"

Trust me, they won't be here.


The entire school is filled with families and I just feel bad.

During visiting day, you and your family can either decide to stay in school or go outside school, as long as you are back by 6.

I spot Amelia's younger siblings and parents by their unmissable red hair over by the fountain.

She runs up to them, and I walk behind.

"Amelia! My baby. I've missed you so much. The house has been so boring without you" her mum says. Now you know where she gets it.

"Prada! How are you? You are even more beautiful than the last time" her mum compliments. She hugs me and I get a strong wiff of vanilla.

"I'm fine"

"Let the child go Stacey" Mr Duran, Amelia's dad says.

I like Amelia's family a lot. They all have huge personalities and are so funny. Even her younger brother and sister.

"Have your parents not come in yet?" Her mum asks.

"They aren't coming. They are too busy. You know with tech stuff" I blurt.

"That's a shame. I've always wanted to meet them" Mr Duran says.

"Well we are going to town, do you want to come with us?" She offers.

"No it's okay. I'm totally fine here. I have some assignments I have to catch up on"

"Are you sure?" Amelia asks.

"I'm sure" I nod.

They leave and I go to sit by the pillars.

I see Kayla and her sisters making TikToks over my the courtyard, and I look a little further to see Jamal laughing about something with his dad.

My eyes sting with tears, but I don't let them fall.

Someone sits next to me, and I don't have to look to know that it's Jay.

"They all look so happy don't they?" He starts.

"Yeah they do. So where are your parents?"

"My dad is in Germany for business, and my mum is in Italy for some fashion show"

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