Taischo Ara Ara Secret 🤫

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Welcome to this week's Ara Ara Secret.

So let's jump right in




You borrowed all your friends divices
As a sort of challenge every one of your friends gives one of ther divices
To one person and once a week you trade and it just happened to be your turn. So in short you took all ther stuff
And disappeared without a trace.

The upper moons thoughts about you


Thinks you're intriguing is surprised that you knew everyone's names as well as about Moon breathing and he is upset that he was excluded from the group gaming


Doma thinks that you are quite amusing. But also that your fashion sense is lacking in some ways


Akaza thinks that you look tough and wants to fight you but at the same time that goes against his code...so he doesn't know how to act around you, Although he would never say any of this to your face he sees you as cute and funny


He's afraid, but karaku comes out every time he sees you.


Thinks you're courageous for talking back to Muzan and lucky for surviveing. He also thinks it important to note that your eyes are in the wrong place
(He thinks it should be adjusted... )

Gyotaro (no I do not want an argument about who's upper moon 6):

He thinks that you might outshine Daki as she is used to being the only female in muzans eyes. But he'll keep you around for the games for now.

Daki(see the mentioned above) :

Daki thinks of you as a potential gal pal but is jealous of the attention you're getting from muzans.




The reason why
You didn't receive a ton of missions is because you called in sick with Kokoro
(let's pretend that's how it goes shall we alrighty then :) )

Did the tischo secrets surprise you?

Do you have any issues with how the upper moons feel about you?

Shuld I make a list of love interests or should I leave it up to 🌈Imagination?


tnx see ya in the next chapter bye

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