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Babysitting Rui

As promised the special you've been waiting for!

Y/N pov

Time line: shortly after you visited the upper moons muzan felt that someone should look after Rui so he sent you

Kokoro showed you to spider mountain
To scout for a possible threat
You of course knew that Rui and his fam was up there but a job is a job

A way to long walk later
You were there at the foot of spider mountain

Looking up the walk didn't seem nearly as bad


So the climb began
Soon you ran into Rui
Who was on his spider string walk

" don't you dare bother the piece of this family but don't worry mother will exterminate you soon"

"awwwwwwwwwwww you're soooooo cuuuute can't wait to meet Her do you have any more family members you want to show me ? Muzzy sent me by the way!"

His expression softend


"yeah he did and he said"Hi"

"so you're a gift from master?"

"No Bad Rui I'm not for eating I'm here to look after you"

"Oh look after me like a sister?"

"(Dies of cuteness overload) awww yes I'll be your big sis and I'll look after you"

"ok deal (he comes down from his web) nice to meet you big sister"
He stretches out his hand but you hug him instead he tryed pushing you away so you distanced yourself but he reached out
It was quite sad to see him longing
For such simple affection...

The moment  lingered in the not quite hug it was adorable<3

then the anoing spider brother came and said

"I'm here brother you signals an intruder... You seem busy so. I'll just go..."

"you shouldn't interrupt"

"yes I'm sorry master..I mean brother "

"that's the last straw I'll need to find a replacement"

"NO I'm sorry I just...

... Rui hangs his brother up with string

" Good job now Rui chan he was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying I think it's time for you to introduce me to the other(not annoying) members of your wonderful family"

"Ok follow me it's dinner time anyway"

At the spider mansion

Rui to his family"this is our guest of honor she will be staying for dinner her name is... (What's your name again?) - whispered "

" (Oh it's y/n)-whispered"

"her name is y/n you will treat her with kindness"

Spider mom-"Oh a Human well as long as Rui is in a good mood hello child welcome to the spider mantion you can just call me spider mother"

Spider sis-"Hi I'm Ruis sister nice to meet you"

Spider dad-"..."

Spider sis- "Oh that's Father and... Looks like Brother isn't going to make it today...So what brings you here?"

y/n-"I came to look after Rui today to make sure he is okay looks like he's doing just fine (spots crimson painted nails) Oh... Speaking of would it be okay if I got a little bit of that crimson nail polish my red one just ran out haha."

No it didn't it's still nearly full

" No problem all of us have lots "

After the dinner there was a lot of time spent fixing up all the nails even spider dads which was difficult because it's a lot of surface to cover

After dinner you and Rui have fun trying to figure out how to play patty cake

Then you have a big family game night  and after 3 hours of trying to figure out how to play shogi you whip out your devices

And the rest of the night was spent teaching the family how to crush each other's high scores in Flappy Bird Rui mysteriously always got the new high score

And after almost crushing your Nintendo spider father was not allowed to play any longer

Then the morning came and Rui got ready for bed

y/n tucked him in and then told him a fairy tail about about a monkey and Flamingo with some weird af sunglasses

" the hero is  meat loving monkey with a dried grass hat and the villain is the flamingo who forced a bunch of spiders to make a big web and trap all the monkeys friends  but then the monkey fought back and freed all the spiders and beat the crap out of the flamingo the end"

"I liked that (yawn).story (yawn)good... Night..y../..n...Zzz..."

"sweet dreams Rui chan"

Y/n made her way back down spider mountain.

~what a wonderful time with cute Rui chan and his family~

I had so much fun making this special chapter for you guys and thank you so much for 100 reads🥳

have a great day or night

and I hope you enjoyed the special chapter of "the song of Wisteria" as much as I did!

See ya in the next chapter ❤️

814 words

the song of wisteria (upermoonsXreader/Hashiraxreader) Where stories live. Discover now