Chapter 4

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With your fresh new nail polish you redid your nails and walked away

"I'm so ducking tired kokoro where is the nearest wisteria house?"

"it's only about 5 kilometers from this location"


"it's not sooo far don't worry I'll teach you some more Japanese on the way"

"I'm starting to regret asking you."

But kokoro Was a good teacher and you slowly caught on. After a way to long walk
You arrived safely and mostly in tact at the wisteria house.

(I'll use a different font for japanese)
"hello Young demon slayer welcome to this wisteria house. You look tired. Maybe you want to take a bath wile we prepare a tea for you?"

The middle-aged lady said when you arrived.

She had a kind but troubled face

"I'd love to but is something wrong?"

"No it's just my husband died not to long ago and it's more work for me then ever and we're full so I hope it's not to much of a bother if you share a room with a another slayer?."

"That's fine"

Anything was good as long as you could rest your feet.

After you took a long soak in the hot tub and a well needed meal. The lady showed you to your room

"you'll be sharing the room with a gentleman who came in earlyer today we have already informed him of your stay"

"Thank you"
You headed inside

And standing in the corner looking depressed was. . .

(who's that Pokém.. I mean demon slayer?)

You guessed it
It's giyuu

"Hi giyuu how ya doing?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Not important right now do you like kokoro?"


"kokoro get over here kokoro came flying through the widow kokoro this is Giyuu Giyuu this is kokoro isn't she just the sweetest?"

"I guess???"

"you were trained by kodakidaki right? I was trained by his friend so we should be friends to! What daja say?"

"what??? Who?? Me?? Why???"

Giyuu o obviously baffled that someone wanted to be his friend
And confused about how you know this about his

" and I know Maki and Sabito well kind ofsoooon even more reason that we should be pails"

"How do you know those names?
" And kind of"? "

" well it's along story but I can kinda sorta see goasts sometimes I think. Wait I got to show you this for it to kinda make sense "

After some reluctance he agrees to watch the first episode of Demon Slayer on your phone with you

" how did you get a moving picture of me and what is this glowing box? "
" that's enough now I'm tired (fake yawn) let's hit the hay goodnight "

" Hey!! You can't just doge the questions!!"

" zzz(fake snoreing)zzz "

In the morning Giyuu was already gone so you had breakfast. Thanked the nice lady for letting you stay there. And let yourself be wished off with the water slash ritual thing.

" Oh what a beautiful day to be heading to my next mission on the sunny Road next to creepy bushes where nothing can happen to me isn't that right kokoro?"

" yes it is indeed a nice day"

You get yanked in to the bushes
And tossed over a sholder

You look at the person who kidnapped you and recognized..

"oh hi kokoshi where are you taking me"

"Who are you and why do you know that name... And... Bla. La.. Bla?"

You spacing out looked over his shoulder and see youroichi staring at you

"ohh hi you're here too Youroichi."


"he's right behind you... Oh sorry I forgot you probably can't see him cos he's dead n all but he is there"

"oh really prove it.

Youroichi tells you
Something" whisper whisper "

You chuckle

"he said that"you were a bed weter until you were 8 and that you had a stuffed owl named corn and that.. And...bla.. Bla.. And lastly that he doesn't blame you" "

Kokoshiba Was getting more red with each personal detail
Untill the last were he stopped you

" Enough you can stop now.... And to be fair it was only until I was 7...he mumbled

"oh and one more thing Kokoshi can you teach me moonbreathing? I've been trying to get the hang of it but I still need to work out some kinks"

"you know moonbreathing?"

"what did I just say? so will you help me on not?

" Nakami"
A bhewa strumed

You suddenly felt sick to the stomach as your entire world spun around you.
As it finally stopped spinning you could make out a blurry image of the upper moons standing around kokoshiba and you...

To be continued...

I hope you loved this chapter of the song of wisteria ♥️

Thank you for supporting my story I'm so grateful for everything

See ya in the next chapter 📖

812 words

the song of wisteria (upermoonsXreader/Hashiraxreader) Where stories live. Discover now